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How to Deal With Homesickness in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Whether you’re a freshman, a transfer, studying abroad, or just having a hard time adjusting, we can all use some help sometimes.  Here are 8 tips to help you get back in the swing of things on campus and shake off your homesickness. Keep in mind that these tips might not work for you; they’re just suggestions. Do what works for you and makes you feel good!


1. Get a Routine Going


Often what we miss about home is the familiarity.  We miss the comfort and security that comes with our old routine.  When we’re at school, we’re thrown into all new territory, and we’re left running around trying to find comfort in a sea of newness.  One of the first things you should do is establish a routine.  Set up a schedule that you can follow: coffee in the morning, library after class, dinner with friends…soon it will become a familiar pattern, and you’re on your first step to beating homesickness!  


2.  Find Your Happy Place


No, I’m not talking about that mental picture that your yoga instructor tells you to go to (although that can help too!).  I’m talking about a real, physical place on campus that you can go to and feel at peace.  It could be a grassy spot on the quad, a cozy chair in the back of the library, or even your car.  Having a place where you can feel safe and secure is essential to feeling at home on campus.


3.  Don’t Call Home Every Day



Okay, this is probably the hardest one on this list.  It can be so tempting to spend all your time on the phone with your mom, or skyping with your friends from high school.  But that can also stop you from participating in everything on campus.  I’m not saying that you should never talk to your parents or stop texting your high school friends, but recognize when you’re spending too much time thinking about going back home instead of all the opportunities you have on campus. Just find a balance that works for you: some people need to call everyday, some people don’t. Do what works for you!


4.  Put Yourself Out There


I know it can be heard to be social, especially when you just want to curl up in bed and look at pictures of your cat.  But a great way to feel comfortable at school is to find a group of people that you feel comfortable around, a group that will help you feel at home.  College really is a community. And once you find your place in it, you will feel at home.


5.  Learn to Enjoy Being Alone


One of the hardest things for me as a freshman last year was learning to comfortable by myself.  College is such a social atmosphere that sometimes it can feel like you’re missing out if you spend even just one night in.  But we all need some ‘me time’ every now and then.  Tell yourself that it’s okay to say ‘no’ sometimes, turn on netflix, pop some popcorn, and relax!


6.  Decorate Your Space

I’m not going to lie, dorm rooms can feel pretty cold.  Bare walls, fluorescent lights, and linoleum floors don’t make for the most welcoming environment.  But that dorm is going to be your home for the next nine months, so make it yours!  Grab some rugs, some lights, and your pictures; I guarantee it will feel a lot more like home once you add your touch to it.


7.  Get Out and About



I don’t know about you guys, but back home I knew where the best pizza place was.  I knew where my favorite stores were, where to get a cup of coffee at midnight, and where to go for a night out.  Why not find those things near your school?  Grab some friends, and go explore.  You’d be surprised to find out what a difference it makes knowing how to get around.


And Remember…


8.  Everyone Feels Lonely Sometimes



Last year I felt like I was the only one feeling homesick.  I thought everyone was incredibly well-adjusted, and that they all immediately found their best friends on campus.  I thought I was the odd one out for feeling lonely.  Yet everyone I’ve talked to this year has told me how hard it’s been on them, how homesick or lonely they’ve been.  Even people I know who have a lot of friends, who live only a few minutes off campus, or are best friends with their roommates have confessed to me that they have to fight off homesickness sometimes.  Talk to your friends, RAs, or visit counseling services if you’re still having trouble adjusting. Be patient, and remember to have fun and ejoy yourself this year!



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Bri Chase

Cal Lutheran

Bri is a sophmore at California Lutheran University. She is a sociology major and Spanish minor, and she is planning on becoming is Special Education teacher. In her free time she enjoys re-reading the Harry Potter series, adding to her unhealthy obsession with Disney, and procrastinating on any real work.
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