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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Current HCCLU Members,

Many things have contributed to my last 4 years of college; the most impactful was joining Her Campus at Cal Lutheran within my first 2 weeks at CLU. I never thought I would join a club in college, let alone become the President of it. With that being said, I would not change it for the world.

Since my time in HCCLU, I have learned many skills that will only help me throughout my future endeavors. I finally feel confident public speaking, shoutout to All Chapter Meetings, and I worked with a diverse group of educated women who all bring their own ideas to the table. I feel blessed that I have been able to collaborate with as many of you as there are, and have been. The best part is that I know I can reach out to HCCLU Alumni if I ever needed their help, and so will you.

The sisterhood that comes with being in HCCLU is unlike anything else. I am guilty of referring to our chapter as “like a sorority,” but it’s almost better because we know all that we have done, yet others are sometimes unaware. It is definitely reassuring to have so many women encouraging one another and truly being there. All of my friends at CLU were in Her Campus at one point. I have high bets that yours are too. The fact that we have “HCCLU rooms” around the dorms that are all made up of past and former members, says a lot about us. 

two different people\'s arms reach out in front of the St. Louis arch, their pointer finger and middle fingers coming together to make a heart
Jennifer Burk | Unsplash
If you were ever a member of HCCLU, I feel so lucky to have met you. You have not only broadened my understanding of people but I have been lucky enough to meet so many strong women on campus that are doing, or will do, amazing things. The women of HCCLU will go on to succeed in the world and have outstanding accomplishments. I can only hope that your time in HCCLU has also been able to make you a better person, because it did for me.

For any future HCCLU members, be thankful to be surrounded by intelligent, supportive, and hilarious women who only want to help you grow.

HCXO (for the last time),

Francheska Cal

Francheska Cal

Cal Lutheran '20

Francheska is a Senior at California Lutheran University and is President of Her Campus at Cal Lutheran. She is majoring in Interdisciplinary Educational Studies with a minor in Psychology. Francheska imagines herself as a second grade teacher in an elementary school within the next 5 years in the Los Angeles area.
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