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Dog Gifs That Describe College Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Dogs may be different species, but they sure are relatable in some ways. Here is a treat for anyone who has been stressed out over the past couple of weeks. These are some prime examples of how dogs can describe college students!

Taking care of your friend after their long test.

Packing for college, for study abroad, or for the weekend.

Finding the cookies at the cafeteria.​

When your friend uses their guest visit on their Six Flags pass on you.

When you’re home for winter break.

When you’re modeling for Her Campus Fashion Week.

Writing an essay.​

Successfully stealing a french fry from a friend’s plate.

Snuggling with bae.​

Being in the library during finals week.​

Hearing juicy gossip.

Gifs from Buzzfeed and Giphy

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Emily Yoshida

Cal Lutheran

Hi I'm Emily and Im a HCCLU Alum!         
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