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3 Tips for Transitioning Back To School for the Spring Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cabrini chapter.

No more lounging around in PJs all day. No more binge-watching “Gossip Girl” and wishing your boyfriend would be more like Chuck Bass. No more wine-night Tuesdays with your girlfriends just because you can. It’s time to get back to school.

With classes beginning it is hard to break out of the trend of constant free-time. But spring semester is here and nothing about that is going to change.  

Initially, the first few weeks may be a little difficult, but that comes with any change. Your free-time will seem limited and it will seem like your schedule is so tiring. However, after a few weeks, you’ll get the swing of things, as usual, and continue being your very own studious, fabulous self.

First tip to survive the transition? Relax. Take a deep breath. You have math at 9 a.m. and a weekly meeting with your fashion club at noon, but guess what? You will make it.  You always have found a way to make your hectic schedule work–this semester is no different.

“I’m an athlete,” senior Nicole Hallinan said.  “I always find a way to make everything work with classes, but the first week is always the most intimidating.”

Next, be sure to take a look at your syllabus after it’s given to you. If you have a solid idea of the course you are taking, it won’t seem so scary the next time you walk into the classroom. Just by skimming over important goals of the course and big tests and projects, you will feel confident in your understanding of the material than if you were to shove that syllabus in the back of your folder. (We’re all guilty of that)

“Being a business major, a lot of my courses are similar,” senior Kerri Hinkelmon said. “Looking over the syllabus helps me differentiate the classes that I’m taking.”

Finally, remember to take time for yourself. Each semester is different and the course load changes with your schedule. However, if you have been putting in over 10 hours in the library working on that fashion merchandising project due next week, reward yourself with a break. Whether you decide to grab some coffee at Jazzman’s or just need to call it a night, a healthy mind creates the best work.

“I get so stressed out with school that when I need a relief I dance,” junior Cortney Hanson said. “That’s my favorite release.”

So even though your Netflix will be less visited and your wine nights will have to stay on the weekends, spring semester won’t be as bad as you think. And just remember, only 15 weeks until summer!

Passionate about passion, Dominique wishes she lived in a romantic comedy. Romance novels consume her time off. Carrie Bradshaw is her idol. Being a former cast member for the Walt Disney Resort in Orlando, Walt Disney quotes make her cry. Dominique believes you can do anything you put your mind to with perseverance, ambition, and a little pixie dust. Dominique hopes to pursue a career in broadcast journalism one day someplace warm. Junk food junkie and Taco Bell enthusiast. Dominique is the captain of her dance team at Cabrini college, news anchor at LOQation News, assistant Lifestyles editor at the Loquitur, and an on air DJ at WYBF.
Erica is a senior at Cabrini College, majoring in communication with a minor in Spanish and is a Campus Correspondent of Her Campus' Cabrini chapter. She loves writing and hopes to make a career of it one day. Despite being a commuter, you can most often find her in her second home: the newsroom. In her free time, you can find her catching up on the latest episode of "Pretty Little Liars" or "The Bachelor," writing about trending and entertainment topics, as well as obsessing over the latest news from Imagine Dragons.