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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

Obviously, this quarantine situation is one we all wish we weren’t in, but we are, so we might as well make the best of it. Yes, I am upset I can’t go sit inside my favorite coffee shop, but I will live…maybe. (Vintage, I am coming for you as soon as this is over.)

I don’t know if you can relate, but I seriously feel like a child again. I have never been outside this much in my entire life! (Don’t worry, I am still social distancing outside!) Before quarantine, I had not picked up a tennis racket since 10th grade. Honestly, I probably should have kept it that way, but it was still so fun to play for the first time in years, even if we were basically laughed off the court. Tennis is a fun sport to play right now because you can totally stay six feet apart the entire time. I had lofty goals to play every day and get better, but if you know me I am more talk than action. I am taking long walks every day though, so at least I can say that.

My dog has never loved me more! We spend just about every second together and we both could not be happier! Well, I choose to think she feels the same, but she is practically running away from me these days. She’s like a teenager who doesn’t want kisses from their mom anymore. Sad moment.

Red Wine Pour
Alex Frank / Spoon

I also have time to just sit down. The week before school went online, I was at my wit’s end because my obligations like nannying, my internship, and school were all starting to really catch up with me. Now, I am taking time to watch Sex and the City for the hundredth time with a glass of wine on my couch. Go get Mr. Big, Carrie! 

Do you cook? Before Coronavirus, I sure as hell could not. Take-out was my situation every night or a frozen Trader Joe’s pizza. I’m not complaining, I loved both, but, I am starting to try out a couple of different recipes and am now getting into it! I make just about the same thing every night, but it works. (Don’t judge me, Karen.)

So, yes, quarantine sucks. My best friend was supposed to fly in for her birthday this week but now she can’t. I have no idea what is going on in my classes now that they are all online. My hair, nails, and eyebrows are in full-blown attack mode. But I would rather be in quarantine than risk any other people getting sick. So stay inside and wash your hands!!!

Hey, my name is Molly! I am a Senior at the College of Charleston and am majoring in English. I am from Saratoga Springs, NY, but absolutely love the warm weather here! I spend most of my time nannying or reading Betches.