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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

We all know that fast fashion is bad for the environment and for the people who work in textile factories, so why is it so hard to quit buying it? 

Fast fashion is convenient, trendy, and cheap. Especially for college students, these factors make it hard to pledge to quit buying fast fashion pieces and move toward the typically more expensive sustainable clothing options. Here are some alternatives to buying fast fashion that won’t break the bank!


Host Clothing Swaps!

Get your friends together and have a clothing swap! This is a great way to clean out and refresh your closet without spending any money or supporting fast fashion companies.


Thrifting is a super easy way to start dressing more sustainably. You can browse your local Goodwill or church charity shop, or you can shop online on sites such as ThredUp, Poshmark, and Depop. This makes thrifting a convenient option. You can also donate or sell your clothes if you are trying to make room in your closet for more sustainable options. 



Upcycling is the most fun way to sustainably update your closet! You can cut and tie dye old shirts to make something that feels brand new, without having to buy anything. There are endless options when it comes to upcycling. You can play with embroidery, or even make something completely new out of your old clothes, like a new face mask or cloth earrings. 

Shop smart!

Dressing sustainably doesn’t mean that you can never buy new clothing items. But, it does mean that you should shop smart. Try investing in one or two quality pieces, rather than a lot of cheap clothing. This will ensure that the new pieces you do buy last a long time and don’t contribute to excess clothing waste. 

Hannah Lanier is a self proclaimed mug hoarder and Swiftie. She lives in Charleston, SC and studies Secondary Education and English at the College. On the weekends you can find Hannah reading, baking experimental vegan treats, and dog watching at Marion Square.