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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

I came across this hobby after I found myself scrolling through Reddit for hours on end to cope with the constant quarantine boredom. It came up as a recommended community to follow, and ever since then, I have felt a sense of balance and clarity in my life that I had never before experienced. The witchcraft community is an open and welcoming place for everyone of all genders, orientations, and cultures. However, despite all the amazing-ness and creativity, it is incredibly overwhelming! (It definitely was for me) So to help new witches and/or inform people who are curious about getting into the craft, here is a list of subjects, objects, and websites that I found helpful!


Ah, a simple yet useful tool for every witch! Also known as a Book of Shadows or Grimoire, a witch uses their notebook as a place to keep all the information they learn along the way as well as the kinds of things they do while they practice their craft. Your notebook can quite literally be a 1-subject College-ruled notebook. Anything works for your BOS.

The Wiccan Lady

This website doubles as a shop, and a valuable resource when it comes to learning what herbs can represent what intention. It’s also a great place to buy any and all your witchy needs!

Golden Thread Tarot app

Whether you have physical cards or not, this app is a great introduction to how tarot cards work. It makes everything easy by setting the digital cards up for you as well as explaining each meaning.

Clear Quartz

This stone is common in the witching world! The great thing about it too is that you can quite literally find it on the side of the road. It’s one of Earth’s most common minerals, so as long as it’s clear, it’s probably quartz.

Occult World

As ominous as the name may sound, Occult World is a great place to learn about all kinds of deities, alchemy, angels, and so much more. There are even conspiracy theories if you’re into those!

Meditation app 

Any app of your choice would work, but I personally like Insight Timer. It’s free and doesn’t necessarily need an in-app subscription in order to get good use out of it. It has courses and guided meditations too!

Crystal and Gemstone meanings

The website on this link is one of the best I’ve come across. It’s got a great list of crystals and gemstones, their origins, legends and lore, and magickal properties. It also tells you which crystals should not get wet, be in direct sunlight, etc., which is always handy!

Trust me when I say there are loads more things that a new witch can always look into, but this is meant as a first step. Not everything is covered in this list, but I hope this makes everything just a little less intimidating. As many witches will say, blessed be, and good luck on your journey into this wonderful new world.

Hi there! I'm a sophomore here at Cofc and I'm from Camden, SC. I'm also a psych major and creative writing minor! When I'm not in my dorm contemplating life, I spend my time shopping, eating, texting, or looking for the next cute dog to pet. I love to write about mental health, women's health, and LGBTQ+ topics.