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10 Habits I Want To Establish This Semester

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.
  1. Go to bed early and wake up early.

Going to bed after midnight is one of my greatest vices. I set tons of alarms for the next day and snooze most of them. I have to force myself out of bed even though I slept later than intended. I run out the door with little to no morning routine and then trudge through my early classes. This semester I want to be able to wake up refreshed and ready, not still tired.  My mornings will consist of getting ready for the day and self-care.

  1. No skipping class. 

“Attendance is not mandatory” is like music to my ears. Laying on the couch, taking a nap, or going to the beach is so much more appealing than sitting through a long lecture. However, I worked too hard and am paying too much to allow myself to miss class semester. 

  1. Move for at least 30 minutes a day

There are days when I am very lazy which is perfectly fine.  I just want to engage in some kind of movement for at least 30 minutes because I know I will feel good after.  This could be swimming, a walk, weightlifting, yoga, pilates, basketball, dancing, hula hooping, etc. 

  1. Keep my space organized

I can not function properly if my room is messy. I want to at least keep my bed made, dirty clothes in the hamper, and my room trash free. These super quick and easy tasks make my room look straightened up and help me feel organized. 

  1. Journaling

Each night I want to be able to reflect on my day. I want to record my thoughts, worries, and gratitudes. I hope this allows me to be more present, thankful, and less stressed. 

  1. Cook more

Not only is cooking typically healthier than eating out or at the dining hall, it’s also cheaper. This semester my roommates and I each chose a day of the week to cook dinner. This allows us to spend less money on groceries each week and we don’t have to stress over meals.  The days with no one designated will be leftovers or a fend-for-yourself night. 

  1. No studying after 7pm

I don’t want to spend my evenings stressed over assignments, instead I want to be able to relax. All of my studying and homework should be done earlier in the day so that I can have time for myself.

  1. Drink Water

Sounds super simple, right? Wrong! I struggle to drink more than two water bottles a day. I love coke and sweet tea which are sugar packed and flavorful – the total opposite of water. My goal is to consistently drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. 

  1. If I don’t know it before the night of the exam, I don’t know it

I have stayed up all night cramming for exams too many times. The next day I wake up early to study more, and am exhausted during my exam. Not to mention cramming is the worst way to learn. I plan to study in advance and if I do not know it by the night of the exam, then I just don’t know it. 

  1. Make time for fun stuff and friends

At some point every semester I get overwhelmed and start withdrawing from my friends and staying in my room. This semester I want to allow myself to have fun and be social despite my stress. I want to go to concerts, do yoga, go to the beach, and play Wii sports without feeling guilty for not studying. This is college, I should be able to have fun and still learn. 

Laney Willis

C of C '25

A little about me: I attend the College of Charleston, I am a Biochemistry major (but that could change at anytime), I consider myself a professional uno player, I enjoy hiking and nature, I am a movie enthusiast (90's movies have my heart), and an avid pasta eater. Through my writing I hope to inspire and entertain!