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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

Aries (3/21-4/19)

Have you considered that what’s going down on Monday may have nothing to do with you, Aries? Reflect on the size and style of another person’s shows. And then, on Tuesday and Wednesday, relax into the idea of your smallness in the world. Not as any comment on your influence, but just to enjoy a healthy and productive instance of modesty.

Taurus (4/20-5/20)

Your day-to-day life seems more exciting to you, and on Tuesday and Wednesday, more dramatic. Dramatic turns into daunting on Thursday, and what daunts you is most likely a financial issue. Be conservative about the financial risks you might take at the end of the week. Sunday will be a good personal day.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

You’ll have a lot of energy at the beginning of the week, but it will burn off quickly. Don’t make any plans on Tuesday or Wednesday, because you’ll probably end up canceling them. Thursday is a fine day for friends, but something small rather than a party. An intense conversation on Friday and a confusing Sunday will end the week.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

At the beginning of the week, you’ll be happy around other people, even family members, especially when food is involved. A social dinner on Tuesday wouldn’t be a bad idea. Wednesday and Thursday, you have ambitious ways of spending your time. You’re in the mood for adventure, Cancer.  Don’t resist this positive impulse– it’s about time you came out of your shell.

Leo (7/23-8/22)

Your confidence is up, and confidence is attractive, Leo. Romance kicks things off on a fun note, but because you know it you’re taking everything super seriously and digging deep. Follow your intuition, that’s the way to go deep in an honest way. Thursday and Friday will be fiery and full of passion.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

You’d like to splash out at the start of the week, but you want to do something meaningful. Tuesday and Wednesday, spend some time indulging an intellectual interest of yours. Maybe a trip to the library is in store for you, Virgo. Toward the end of the week, you snap out of it and show up for a family obligation.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

This time of year is crisp and beautiful, and on Monday you can’t stop thinking about it. Holidays can be stressful, but in a strange way, they’re also comforting. Midweek, you’ll be wrapped up in thinking about material possessions, maybe because of the upcoming holiday season. Thursday and Friday return you to a sense of happy balance, Libra.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21)

The ease of a luxurious afternoon game defines Monday, but Tuesday and Wednesday are high-energy and magnetic. You’re radiant. The larger issues of the day (current events) are on your mind on Thursday, Scorpio, and your thoughtfulness leads you into philosophical terrain. This weekend, a couple of business matters occupy your mind.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

A legal matter may find its way into your day on Monday, and you undoubtedly have your adoring fans. But fans do not make a star happy, and in the ensuing days, you’re trying to figure out why your life is going in certain directions. Friendship is key on Thursday, and a compliment on Friday will make your day. Over the weekend show off your mind, Sagittarius

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

On Tuesday and Wednesday, spend some time honing your skills, Capricorn. Practice. Take your time. And don’t proceed until you have a plan about where you’re going. The end of the week is also about discipline. This weekend, plans and projects go in your favor. Impress the pants off someone.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

On Monday, whatever you would naturally do, should be avoided. Have lunch at that place right next to the place you usually go. Or talk to that one person in your class that looks like they have the least in common with you. You’ll be surprised how this pays off. Plan on spending Saturday and Sunday at home, relaxing with a book or magazine in hand.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

It’s only fall, but you’re in the mood for a spring-cleaning at the start of your week. Your wardrobe, your bad habits, everything is up for grabs. The idea of change doesn’t bother you at all. Pay attention, be aware and give others the benefit of the doubt at the end of the week, but — stick up for yourself.

Sara is an Integrative Public Relations Major at Central Michigan University. She hopes to work in a PR agency one day, managing social media for clients. When she's not reading yet another book from one of her three bookshelves, she can be found cuddling her cats, Luna and Selene.