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Finals Week Survival Kit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

Well, finals week is upon us. This means a week full of late nights in the library, hours spent studying in coffee shops and more last minute studying than you thought was possible. There are some essentials you will need for this week, though.

Bag: You need a big, reliable bag to carry all of your study materials in. Whether it is your backpack or a big purse, make sure it can hold everything you need for your study sessions.

Electronics and Chargers: Always make sure you have your laptop and phone on you at all times. Text messages could come in at any time planning a study session! Plus, who doesn’t call their parents in panic mode a few times during the stress of finals?

Highlighters, pens and notebooks: It is smart to re-write all you notes, and highlighters can make those notes a little easier to look at!

Caffeine: Any form you can get it in, coffee, tea, pop…. Whatever your taste buds prefer! Just don’t drink it to close to bed so you can get a good nights’ sleep.

Water bottle: While the caffeine is nice for a burst of energy, don’t deprive your body of water! Keep a water bottle on you at all times for a quick way to refresh yourself.

Food: An apple is a perfect snack for studying! Try to stick to healthy snacks for the week, such as apples, but it is ok in indulge in the dessert every once in a while (to cure the stress, of course!).

Magazine or book: Study breaks are a must during finals week! Relaxing by catching up on your favorite magazine or reading is the perfect way to “escape” finals.

Comfy clothes: While it is good to look nice for class, finals week is an exception. Sweatpants, t-shirts, sweatshirts and you comfiest pair of shoes is the go-to look for this week.

Study buddy: Whether it’s your roommate, friend from class or a partner from a project just make sure you have someone who will make sure you get your studying done.

Finals week causes a lot of stress and anxiety, but remember to relax, get plenty of sleep and do you’re best. Taking it one day is the best thing to do. Study, eat, relax and sleep. With these tools you are ready to take on finals week.