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Don’t Be That Girl…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

We all know “that girl”. Whether you have a girlfriend who brags too much or parties too hard, there is usually someone in your life who is in great need of a wake-up call. Here is a list of girls you do not want to become, and some advice if you identify as one of them!

The Drama Starter: We all know that girl who seems to need drama as much as she needs air to breathe. At this age, these girls are never too hard to find. These girls usually begin each sentence with “Okay, you didn’t hear this from me…” or “Did you hear what went down this weekend?”  Drama queens love disturbing the balance of the universe and thrive off conflict.  The worst is when these girls claim they are being a “good friend” by letting you know when someone disses you. Drama queens love pitting people against each other while remaining an “innocent bystander” who was “just trying to help”. Clearly these girls need some more entertainment in their lives! My advice to these ladies: get yourself a Netflix account and immerse yourself in fictionalized drama that is much more intense and interesting than anything that happens on campus.

The Bragger: Confidence is a great attribute to have. Having confidence can open many doors for a young person and makes life more enjoyable. However, it is possible to have too much confidence. These people are called braggers, and they believe that they are the best things to grace this earth since sliced bread. These girls will brag about everything from a good test grade to the attention they get from guys. The worst is when these girls feel the need to tell their friends every compliment that comes their way. Strive for humbleness, ladies! The bragging gets old.

The Overprotective Friend: It’s great to care about your friends and would do anything for them. However, do not feel the need to take over the role of their mother. Overprotective friends believe that they are filling a necessary void but in most cases they are not. My advice to these overprotective friends is to be aware of the line between a good friend and an overprotective one and actively try to not cross it. If your friend seems to be spiraling out of control, contact their actual mother. You do not want your friend to end up resenting you.

“I’m Only Here For the Party” Girl: This is college, of course a lot of people are going to love the party life. However, some people take it a little too far. The beauty of college is that it allows students a mix of academic seriousness as well as party time. Although, time to let loose is necessary. You have crossed the line if your party lifestyle begins to affect your academics.  You also know you’ve crossed the line once you no longer feel like attending events where alcohol is not involved.  The party reputation is only fun for so long and people will soon grow tired of your antics. My advice to these ladies is to buckle down unless they want to be in college for seven years.

The Girl Who Gets Ready For Class Everyday: Okay, there is nothing wrong with being this girl. However, as a girl who doesn’t have energy to get ready for class, I would love to see less of this on campus — selfish request, I know.