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30 Things I Wish I Figured Out Sooner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

I may have learned 20 things at the age of 20, but there are some things I wish I would have learned just a little bit sooner. It would have saved me time, money, and millions of embarrassing moments (yes, I’m referring to my 2010 Facebook pictures of my “scene” years).  They say with age comes wisdom, so here are some of the things I wish I would have known sooner:

1.     Humidifiers are necessities in the wintertime (especially in Michigan).

2.     Related: letting your car get below ¼ of a tank of gas is also not an option in the winter.

3.     UTIs can turn into kidney infections, and those hurt.

4.     Clean homes do equal happy lives.

5.     Chocolate chip pancakes can turn a terrible morning into a great morning.

6.     What you post on the Internet will 100% come back to haunt you.

7.     Almost every decision made after 2 a.m. is a bad decision. Just go home.

8.     Floss.

9.     There is a thing as being too forgiving.

10. Reading the instructions on how to wash clothing should not be ignored!

11. Know when to stand up for yourself.

12.  But also when to sit down, shut up, and accept criticism.

13. There are better ways to dress than your university’s t-shirt, leggings, and Uggs.

14. Homemade coffee is better than a $5 Starbucks coffee.

15. Do not sleep in your contacts!

16. Your parents will always have good advice.

17. When in doubt, wear black.

18. Milkshakes and moms cure fevers.

19. Going through a no-makeup phase does not make you “unique”.

20. Do not sacrifice style for warmth, a.k.a., WEAR A COAT TO THE BAR.

21.  Do not stalk your professors on LinkedIn.

22.  Related: Do not bring up happy hour in class to professors you stalked on LinkedIn.

23. Studded belts were absolutely the worst fashion trend.

24. Being kind is like Beyoncé: it will never go out of style.

25. Flashy earrings are an easy statement piece.

26. Vanilla skies have a way of making a bad day seem a little bit better.

27. Reading the assigned chapters actually help when it comes to remembering the material. (Who would have guessed?)

28. Everyone is scared for his/her future.

29. Being the bigger person doesn’t make you weak, it shows you care.

30. College makes you appreciate your home, but home makes you appreciate your college.