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Tea Time: Uncovering The Uncovering

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Butler chapter.



This week’s tea is mildly spiked and intended for mature audiences only.


Gooooooood Morning Butler! This week’s Tea Time ™ is about uncovering The Uncovering,  getting close and personal with The Close and Personal, basically it’s all about the beauty of nudes. So take your bra off (or not) and get comfortable (or not) because it is going to be a fun article!


Taking Them


  1. Only take them if you want to. Please don’t let some fuckboi/fuckgirl (is that a term?)/ fucknonbianaryindividual convince you to do something you don’t want to do. Also just because they sent you theirs does not mean you have to send them yours. And lastly, there is no bad reason to want to take a nude. If you want to do it so you can feel sexier, okay! If you want to do it in order to impress a special someone, good for you! If you want to take one because you know the receiver is about to validate the hell out of you afterwards, fantastic!


  1. Know your angles.  Honestly, if there is one thing selfies, nude or otherwise, have taught me it is that no matter how ugly I am in the mirror as soon as I raise my phone past my head at a slight angle I will be runway ready.


3) Don’t be afraid to experiment with them. See what position works best for you. Sitting, laying, handstanding, I don’t judge, and if your receiver is worth their salt they won’t judge either.


Getting Them


  1. If you didn’t want it you don’t have to act like you did. Be honest. Tell them you never want to see that piece of their anatomy again (or for however long you fancy). Tell them it ruined your day. Spare no emotions because they obviously didn’t have a high enough regard for yours when they sent those unsolicited photos.

2) If you did want it, and you got it, be gentle with them. Let’s say it’s ugly – maybe the ugliest thing you have ever seen, you don’t have to tell them that. It takes a lot of confidence and gumption to reveal yourself so intimately to somebody else. If you don’t have to tear them down while they are in that vulnerable spot – why would you?


3)You wanted it, you liked it, now keep it to yourself. Reproducing/ spreading another’s nudes is sexual assault and just an asshole thing to do.  Just don’t do it.


In summary, nudes are A-OK, as long as you don’t sacrifice your self-respect nor your respect for others when taking/receiving them. And that concludes this week’s Tea Time ™. I hope all of you have a pleasent and tea filled rest of the week.


“When one is thirsty for the truth, the tea brews itself.”


Jazmine Bowens is a senior at Butler University. She is a Psychology major with a minor in Neuroscience and the Campus Corespondent for Butler University's Her Campus chapter. When she isn't in class, she's writing poetry, reading romance novels, or hanging out with her friends. Jazmine hopes to one day become an environmental lawyer and a published novelist.