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Jenny Slate’s Netflix Special is a Slam Dunk- Here’s Why

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Butler chapter.

Netflix has become the place to look for laugh-out-loud level stand-up comedy.


With quick-wit and punchlines from the likes of John Mulaney, Ali Wong and Trevor Noah, the platform has attracted comedy fans from across the world. I am, unapologetically, one of those fans. So, when I heard that Big Mouth and Gifted star Jenny Slate had written and produced a special of her own, I grabbed some hummus and pretzels and tuned in, ready to laugh.


What I learned quickly was that the special is more than just comedy- it’s Slate’s life story, both charming and organic.


That’s not to say it isn’t funny. Slate’s bubbly persona and energetic jokes were fun and refreshing. I laughed out loud at her bits on barre classes and ghosts in her childhood home, and her physicality and cheeky flair was hilarious. She’s a self-proclaimed optimist, the type of person you don’t generally see in comedy specials, and I, usually a somewhat dark-humored person, found the set to be very enjoyable. If you’re looking for comedy, you won’t be disappointed.


There’s so much more to this special, though, that makes it so loveable- it’s organic. It tells the story of Slate, down to some of the truths of her life that are so often too difficult to express. Often times, it’s easy to dismiss anxiety as a one-time, fixable issue. It’s not, as the comedian expresses- sometimes, you can’t explain why you feel some way, but you do. It was a joy to hear this expressed by a strong, female comedian on such a public platform.


In clips, we see the (haunted!) home Slate grew up in, an illustration of how this witty, bright comedian came to be. We also get to meet her family, who she casually interviews and discusses in her stand-up set. It’s warm and authentic, and to me, an overwhelmed girl in her dorm room, it was comforting, in an odd way.


So, if you have an hour, my strong suggestion is that you should turn on “Jenny Slate: Stage Fright.” I think you might just fall in love with it.

Emily Wray is a sophomore at Butler studying English and Creative Media. She loves John Hughes movies, cold brew, ABBA, podcasts, and storytelling. An Indianapolis native, you can contact her through email, social media, or by simply yelling a pop culture reference across a crowded room- she'll respond to most, if not all.
Rae Stoffel is a senior at Butler University studying Journalism with a double minor in French and strategic communications. With an affinity for iced coffee, blazers, and the worlds worst jokes, she calls herself a witty optomistic, which can be heavily reflected in her writing. Stoffel is a Chicago native looking forward to returning to the windy city post graduation.