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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

When I think of St. Patricks Day I think of two things, alcohol and shamrock shake’s. It being March I am still rolling with my new years resolution so I’m sorry McDonald’s but my love handles can’t handle a shamrock shake right now. I personally hate being that person that goes “I’m sorry I can’t eat that, I’m on a diet”, so I wanted to share two recipes for knock off McDonald’s Shamrock shakes.


The first one is a virgin Shamrock Shake:


2 cups vanilla ice cream

1 ¼ cup lowfat milk

¼ teaspoon mint extract

8-10 drops green food coloring


All you do is mix this up in the blender!

Quick! Shield your eyes if you’re under 21 years old


3 cups vanilla ice cream

4 ounces creme de menthe liqueur

3 ounces marshmallow vodka

3 ounces Irish cream liqueur

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


I know what you are thinking, three types of booze? That’s why life is so beautiful, there is so much variety!


P.S.- for any vegans substitute the vanilla ice cream for vanilla cashew ice cream and any alternative non-dairy milk!

Hi! My names Victoria! I’m in the intended Nursing program at the University at Buffalo currently. A little about myself is I’m a bubbly, dog loving, Disney freak, who loves baking (I TRY to be healthy). I’m a member of Alpha Sigma Tau and now currently write for HerCampus here at UB :)