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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

As winter approaches, many of us begin to struggle with dry skin. I am someone who has to unfortunately deal with dry skin year round, which then just escalates in the winter. If you’re having issues with cracked, peeling, dull, scaly skin, I have implemented a daily moisturizing routine to avoid this from happening and have a few tips to share with you. 


The most important factor is to make sure that your skin care products or makeup removers aren’t contributing to your dry skin. I recommend using gentle skin cleansers, or specifically hydrating cleansers. As for makeup remover, I’ve recently discovered Miscellar water, and let me tell you – this has CHANGED my life. It is very gentle on the skin and does not irritate it whatsoever. It also makes taking mascara off a piece of cake. 


It is important to find a good moisturizer. Aim to find one that contains hyaluronic acid and vitamins. There are many medicated options that are available over the counter if you’re having severe dry skin which I sometimes do have. I find the Eucerin moisturizer to be the most effective. It is important to moisturize every morning and night. I also learned that if you put on moisturizer right before you apply your makeup it will make a world of a difference, I find my skin looking dewy and fresh when I do so, and it’s also acting as a primer.