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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

Now that we school has been in session for about 3 weeks, we are all probably close to taking our first few exams for the semester. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you take on your first exams!


  1. Plan out all the material you will need to have memorized in advanced, this way you can lay out each day what you should accomplish that way you don’t catch yourself trying to rush through 4 chapters all in one night.


2. Make sure you get a good nights sleep. I know you probably here this a lot but it is actually scientifically proven that your brain can take in more information if it has gotten it’s rest. So pulling an all nighter is not always the best idea.





3. Make sure you eat! If your exam is early in the morning, give yourself that time to wake up a little earlier to make some breakfast. It’s hard to focus on an empty stomach.