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Susan Yin/Unsplash

How To Get Back On Track In School – Before It’s Too Late!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.


1. Plan out everything that is left to do for each class.

This will help you lay everything out and now exactly what needs to get done and how much time it’ll take you to finish it.

2. Going off the first, make a plan for what to do each day up until finals.

This will make sure everything that needs to be done, gets done, if you stick with the plan that is.



3. Start studying ahead of time for your finals.

Instead of giving yourself days off because your exam isn’t for another work, start studying earlier. This will help the material stay in your mind if your brain is constantly being exposed to it, and you’ll feel much more productive with getting a head start.


4. Stay on top of all lectures and homeworks due.

  Getting behind on lectures can hurt you more than you think. Even if you think you wont be able to fully focus in class that day, still go, even when you think you’re not paying attention, the info still stays in your head.

5. Start waking up early.

I recently started waking up at 7am even if I don’t have somewhere to be. It makes you feel a whole lot more productive, and you’ll realize how much time you actually have to do everything you want. I get done with school work at around 3 and realize there’s still so much time left to relax or hang out with friends.