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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

This is around the time where many of us are probably starting to get super stressed realizing the amount of catching up that’s left to do for this semester. From catching up on lectures, or trying to bring your overall grade up by trying to ace your last exam for the a course this semester. Some things I like to do to destress, is to plan my day out in advance either the night before or the morning of, and figure out what exactly needs to be done. Making a detailed daily schedule can really help you feel more relaxed because you’ve now planned out everything and know it will be able to get done.



Another major key is SELF CARE. This often goes overlooked but it is definitely the most important. Taking care of yourself and making sure your body feels good, will have you feeling good and positive. Whether it be putting on a face mask, taking a bath, taking a nap, working out, etc. I was once at a point where I had so much on my plate, I started to stray from doing little things to take care of my body thinking I didn’t have time, and that I should use that time to finish the things I have to do. But in reality, you can make time. It is possible. As long as you stick to a realistic and daily schedule you will find that you have time to fit in an episode of your favorite show on Netflix, or to put on a face mask. Now, let’s finish this semester off strong!