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Busy? Ways to Stay Productive and Motivated:

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

With it almost being mid-semester, I’ve found myself procrastinating more and more often lately. While I’m sure I’m not alone in this, sometimes it can be a bit of a struggle getting back on track, especially considering how easy it is to get distracted. With that in mind, I thought I’d share my favorite ways to regroup and reorganize when I’m in a slump…

  1. Lists!

Whenever I have multiple things to do or places to be, I make a list. This helps me to not forget anything I have to do, but also helps in managing my time in the best way possible! Plus, I swear there’s something therapeutic about crossing things off as you accomplish them. You can use cute stationary, or even your phone, which happens to be my go-to now. I love the app Notion because it helps me save paper, but has all these additional features that keep my itinerary organized.

2. Color code everything

I don’t care if you think Science should be yellow instead of green, or even worse red, but color coding has saved me when it comes to staying on top of things. I usually stick to neon colors because they’re the most fun, but really anything works. Also, I’m certain there must be a connection between color coding, memory and organization, as I tend to always remember my schedule better when its separated by color. It visually shows you how much work you may have for one class vs another, which can help you manage your time.

3. Start early

This may be common sense for most people, but if you’re like me, somehow you always forget to. Start your work early!!! If the essay is due Monday, don’t start Sunday, start Wednesday!! You do your best work when you have the time to do it. Don’t let perfectionism make you afraid of starting your work until you have no choice but to do it, or let laziness get in the way of your success. You will feel a lot more relaxed and ensure you have the time necessary to complete everything if you at least start.

4. Choose your space

This is really important!! Find the place where you are most likely to be successful in completing your work. Whether it be a coffee shop with some background noise, or complete silence in the library, everyone has a place where they work best. You can also make sure it is set up in a way beneficial for you. For example, I love candles, especially having one lit while I study. I also like keeping a water bottle close by and I take breaks when necessary.

5. Limit distractions

This may be the hardest one for me as I never want to shut down my phone, but sometimes it’s the only way to get any work done. If that’s not an option, the iPhone has a function where you can set your phone on “Do Not Disturb” and have no one contact you, or specific people that you choose. Probably the most helpful, shutting your phone down ensures that you won’t have any unnecessary interruptions, especially if you choose a space free of disruptions.

Hannah Rashad

Buffalo '25

Hannah is a junior at the University at Buffalo pursuing a major in English and a minor in law. In her spare time she enjoys writing, playing the piano, and running.