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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

Going to the gym is intimidating, especially if you are working out for the first time. But the reality is, no one at the gym cares at all. They are all their for their own workout and usually focus on themselves. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t know what to do! Here are some tips if it’s your first time at the gym.

1. Research

      Many people go into the gym completely blind and just use whatever machine they see. Take some time to research on how to use the machines and focus on your goals for your own body. If you want to lose weight, cardio is great for weight loss and heart health. If you want to build muscle, search up safe and effective ways to which you can build it up. Don’t be afraid toask for help from friends. YouTube videos are great for beginners with workouts! Just take some time to research the things you need to do for your own body, so you don’t cause any injury.


     Everytime you go to the gym you can’t hit every part of your body. You need recovery days, so you don’t pull or strain anything. For example you can do cardio every other day, legs on Monday, arms on Wednesday etc. Your body needs a break in between and creating a schedule that works best for you will help with recovery so you don’t injure yourself.

3. Diet

     Working out can only help you so much with your goals. Having and maintaining a good diet is a huge part of changing your body. Eating clean shouldn’t be a diet, but a lifestyle change. Visit a dietician if available to examine the foods you should eat for your specific goals. Try not to eat less than normal if you are going to the gym because that usually will cause binging. Research how many calories and what kind of food you should eat for your body type and whether it’s for weightloss or muscle gain.

4. Don’t be discouraged

      When I first started going to the gym I would get frustrated when I didn’t see results right away. But you have to realize it is a slow process. You might also notice new insecurities when working out. Again,don’t get frustrated. Getting to the gym is just the first step in what you are trying to achieve. Also eating something bad isn’t the end of the world. You can indulge here and there but try not to overdo it. Try not to look at the weight of the scale because most of the times it usually doesn’t depict what you actually look like. I like to take progress pictures once a week and notice the changes in real time and not from the weight of the scale. 

5. Change habits

      Changing your lifestyle requires some sacrifices. You might have to cutout wine Wednesdays and Taco Tuesdays. Obviously you don’t need to cut it out completely, but look for healthier ways to change it. If you need something sweet after every meal, look for options that you won’t feel bad about. There are plenty of sweets that you can still eat without the added calories. Cutting down on alcohol is a huge help. People don’t realize the empty calories alcohol has. Instead of drinking vodka cranberries every Saturday, switch it out for a vodka seltzer or vodka water with lime! And honestly, no one is really drinking for the taste of alcoholl anyway lets be real. Incorporate more water in your life if you don’t drink eough already. buying a cute water bottle made me want to drink water more. And if thats what you need to do then do it! Water is good for the skin and overall bodily health. Changing your habits doesn’t need to be a bad thing in your life. There are many alternatives to what you eat/drink that won’t cost you fun

Being healthy is always the goal no matter what size you are. You can be ‘bigger’ in society standards, but still be healthy. And also PSA skinny doesn’t always mean someone is healthy!! Don’t look through the thousands of Instagram pages with perfect bodies and get sad that you don’t look like that. Being secure with yourself is the main goal everyone should have!