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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

The beginning of the semester and back to school shopping is top of my list of things I love to do. I also loved watching the What’s In My Backpack/Purse back to school themed videos growing up! Assembling my bag is probably the most stress-relieving activity, especially since you have full control over how it looks and what you get to put in it. During the semester, usually alternate between backpacks and purses, depending on my mood and the weather outside but they always are big enough to carry my must-haves for a new semester:



I always carry my planner around to make sure that I am achieving the goals I set out for the day as well as having it easily accessible to write down my upcoming assignments and assessments. My all-time favorite planner that I have ever purchased has to be the Ideal Planner by Emma Chamberlain. You can check out my review for it right here.


The Five Star Flex Binders are my favorite binders to use for school, I have been in love with them since I was in high school. The flex binder helps me keep everything organized which is definitely beneficial for exams, and even looking back on my notes from previous classes.

Cosmetic Bag 

I always carry a cosmetic bag in my purse, filled with essentials that I would need at any time of the month ;) such as tampons, lipgloss, hand sanitizers, extra masks, etc. Growing up I always heard the quote, “Better be safe than sorry” and when putting together the items in this bag, I always keep that in mind. 

Water Bottle 

I’m not the greatest when it comes to making sure I drink enough water in a day so I carry my water bottle in my purse as a reminder that I need to drink water and as a way to challenge myself to finish it by the time I get home. I’ve been carrying the Treat People With Kindness water bottle that I got from his concert a couple of years ago and it definitely does the trick. :) 


ALWAYS bring your charger! For me, there have been multiple occasions where I seem to forget my charger on the day that I needed it the most. I always have an extra phone charger that I keep in my bag so that I never have to have that problem again and I remember to grab my computer charger when I am on my way out the door. 

Pencil Case 

Last but certainly not least, I bring my pencil case, which is always stocked up with pens, pencils, highlighters, and post-its, so I’m always prepared to study and take notes wherever I end up going. 

A UB student double majoring in Psychology and Criminology, activist, coffee enthusiast, music and fashion lover. She loves using Her Campus as a medium to express her many passions, from self-care, fashion, movies, and books to activism, criminology and psychology.