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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

University at Buffalo offers a range of well-rounded activities that also happen to be FREE! From outdoor events to celebrity appearances, click on the list below for more information about each wonderful experience…

1. Canoeing on Lake LaSalle

Relaxation doesn’t even begin to explain how great it is to chill on the lake by the pillars with your friends on an oddly hot fall Buffalo day

2. Center For the Arts and Anderson Art Exhibits

Best way to de-stress, hide out in the CFA art exhibit in between classes for an aesthetically pleasing view 

3. Winterfest ​

C’mon, we’re Buffalonians, some by college association. What better way to celebrate that than prancing around in the snow like its fluffy white gold 

4. Yoga Classes

I’ll admit, this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but imagine the cool party tricks you’ll be able to whip out at a moments notice, “Jake hold my beer, I’m about to show these people I can do an advanced Crow pose…”

5. Snacking Tuesdays

Free, healthy food. It would be nice to catch up with your parents and have them be in shock when you explain how you’ve been saving money AND eating clean (God knows that you probably haven’t even seen a green vegetable in days)

6. Distinguished Speaker Series

Jesse Williams (Dr. Jackson Avery on Grey’s anatomy). Civil Rights Activist. What more could you want in a man?

7. UB Football Games and Tailgate Concert Series

UB Bulls coming in hot on a two game winning streak. Also, free food, rock climbing, corn-hole, and concerts all before the game? I’m there.


Check out these great opportunities and take advantage of the amazing Buffalo atmosphere!


Gina Marie is a third year Communication major at University at Buffalo. From Long Island, NY, the Hampton beaches and perfect pizza parlours are where she's most comfortable. While not working on Her Campus articles, Gina spends her days working with the Buffalo Pink Campus Team and works as a stylist for Vanilla Sky Boutique at home. She's looking forward to traveling and life ahead of college, so keep an eye out for blogs on fashion, food, and more! Instagram: ginamarieciappina Twitter: @ginaciappina