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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

Starting school is stressful enough. Here are just a few things you can do to make sure you have a successful fall semester.

Make a list of when all your assignments are due

Putting all of your due dates in one location is the most helpful thing I have done when it comes to school. I am such a spaz so I tend to forget about things that are due, but putting it on a calendar or in an excel sheet has helped me make sure I get all my assignments in on time.

Schedule out your time

College is a very busy time for all of us. A lot of students are in clubs, sports, jobs, all with the stress of classwork on top of it. Making yourself a schedule so all of your time is blocked out throughout the day can help you stay organized and not get too overwhelmed with your daily activities. 

Have a good sleep schedule

Although it may be hard, getting yourself on a good sleep schedule is key to being successful. No matter how tempting scrolling on TikTok for hours is, going to bed early so you can be energized for the day is the way to go. 

Try to do your work asap

Trust me I am a class A procrastinator, but doing your work as soon as it’s assigned, relieves so much stress and anxiety that comes with school. I am able to produce better work when I don’t have to worry about thirty other assignments.

Take time for yourself

This is the most important tip. Students tend to put just about everything before themselves and their mental health. When you are feeling super stressed and overwhelmed, even just taking a couple of minutes to decompress can be very helpful. Something like a walk or watching an episode of your favorite show can be a great way to take a little break. For those who have a little more time, doing a facemask or reading a book is a great stress reliever.

With these tips you are destined to do greatness. You got this semester so don’t let the start of school blues bring you down. Good Luck!

Isabella is a Junior at University at Buffalo studying History Education and this is her second year in Her Campus. Her many passions include rainy days, reading, and hot coffee.