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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

Since I’ve spent a decent chunk of my life watching (and re-watching) The Office, I’ve noticed that I often relate to many of the characters, particularly Michael Scott. So, here are ten quotes from him that basically describe my college experience:


1: How you feel after sitting in the library for 10 hours straight:

2: Peer reviewing someone else’s essay:

3: When your professor says the practice exam is similar to the actual test:

4: Sitting in a pathway class that you’re forced to take, even though it’s completely unrelated to your major:

5: Trying to give a presentation that you’re completely unprepared for:

6: When your professor makes attendance a big chunk of your grade:

7: When you’re 5 drinks deep and feeling yourself:

8: When you’re looking for sources for an essay:

9: When you spend all your money on alcohol and McDonald’s:

10: When you go out even though you have an 8AM the next day: