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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

“What’s your sign?”

Everybody wants to know. Why? Well, it might be controversial, but it’s fun. We would all like to know the future, sure, but that’s impossible, right? Wrong. According to astrology, the answers are right at our fingertips. All we have to do is look up.

So, what do the stars say about you? That’s right – you. What kind of student are you, according to your sign?

Aries: You’re confident. Bold. Some people think you’re arrogant – but they’re wrong, aren’t they? You’re the kind of student with loads of energy – you don’t need coffee to keep going. You’re creative – maybe you’re a theater major, or a writer. A poet, perhaps? You despise boredom – you always have to be doing something. Sure, you’re a little impatient, a little cranky sometimes – but you’re also charismatic and ambitious. You’re cut out for a college career, because you’re here to get things done.

Taurus: Ah, our economical friend. Everyone’s money is tight, but you? You know how to budget. Hats off to you, Taurus. You might not be a multitasker, but you’re a worker. A hard worker. You’re the person who’s going to give that group project your all. And you know what? You motivate other people to do their best. You might be a little stubborn – maybe you’re kind of a perfectionist – but if someone asks you to do something, it’s because they know you’ll get it done right. You make a great friend and confidante.

Gemini: Geminis love to learn. They’re natural students, blessed with an eagerness to understand. You’ll probably never admit it (or maybe you will), but you like college. You can’t help it – you’re passionate about your studies. There’s nothing wrong with that. You have a lot of great, original thoughts to bring to the table. You could be the next great visionary. You’re a little hot and cold, yeah…you’re that friend who can’t decide if you want to go out or not. But when you do go out? Well. It’s going to be a good time.

Cancer: You’re a sweetheart. Everyone wants to be your friend. Chances are, you’re the “mom” of your friend group. You’re always looking out for everyone else. You’re the one making sure everyone gets three hot meals a day and at least a few hours of sleep. You have a gentle, caring heart; you’re loving and reliable. You get a little moody when you’re stressed out – but my goodness, it’s a lot of work taking care of everyone else, isn’t it? We love you, Cancers. Don’t ever change.

Leo: The divas of the zodiac. You’re flashy and like attention – you’re one heck of a partier. We might as well come right out and say it – you’re the life of the party. Life is a stage, and you’re here to perform. You want to make mom and dad proud – well, you want to make everyone proud. Between all those parties, you’re busy studying – working hard to get that A. Just like the Sun, you are warm, intense, and energetic. You skip around campus, brightening everyone’s day. Just don’t get too cocky, Leo. We know you’re cool. We know.

Virgo: Our local perfectionist. Virgo, you like everything just so – and that drives some people a little crazy. Don’t let them bring you down – you’re awesome. You are, after all, the one with the cleanest dorm – the dorm everyone wants to hang out in. You probably have a bunch of nice scented candles, don’t you? Don’t worry, we won’t tell. Virgo, you’re your own worst critic. Lighten up a little, give yourself a break: take time to smell the roses. It’s college, after all, we’re here to learn and have fun – cliché as that sounds.

Libra: The social butterfly. You’re probably in a dozen different clubs – you’re surely popular on campus. You love talking – you’re a chatterbox, and you’re easy to talk to. You’ve had no trouble making friends on campus. And if you are on the shy side, well, get out there! You’re charming and adorable, and the world loves you. You might be involved in the arts, or communications. Whatever your interests, we’re sure you’re passionate about them. You bring a lot to the table, Libra. Just stop being so indecisive! Part of life is learning from your mistakes – and even though Virgo thinks they’re close…nobody’s perfect.

Scorpio: The zodiac’s infamous enigma. You’re a complicated person, aren’t you? Well, to the rest of us, yeah, you sure are. You’re a mystery, Scorpio, and we’re all trying to figure you out. Let’s be honest, everyone wants you for their significant other. You’re passionate and loyal – and when you love, you love hard. You give relationships 110%. You might be a little standoffish, a little recluse, but beneath that hardened exterior is someone worth knowing. You spend a lot of your time holed up in the library, by yourself – maybe recounting your woes – try not to be so secretive, Scorpio. We all want to get to know you.

Sagittarius: The luckiest sign. You’re the one who gets away with skipping class. Yeah, we’re on to you. You’re upbeat and confident – and that attracts people to you. You’re naturally charismatic, and that makes you a fine student and an even better friend. You’re proud, Sagittarius. You like to walk with your chin held high. But on the other hand, you’re a little reckless. Probably a procrastinator, right? Doing papers the night before they’re due – sipping on a Red Bull at 3AM to stay awake? It’s okay. We’ve all been there. And we will be again.

Capricorn: Cautious Capricorn, that’s you. Practical to a fault. You make a fine student – doing your assignments early, seeing your professors for questions. You’re genuinely interested in what you’re doing. You’re a very charitable sign – you probably do a lot of volunteer work. You tend to overreact – but that’s okay, because you take everything in stride. Maybe you’re a little shy. You probably like to sit in the back of the class. You might be an accounting or business major, because you’re good with numbers. Exercising caution is wise, Capricorn, but don’t be afraid to bust out of your comfort zone.

Aquarius: You’re kind of quirky. And you like it that way. Dubbed the rebels of the zodiac, Aquarius is bound to test the limits. They’re unpredictable, flamboyant, and intellectual. Books are an Aquarius’ best friends. You’re a little detached; some people might think you’re cold. But we know the truth. You’re a thoughtful sign, a charmingly eccentric sign who’s often wrapped up in the most fantastical daydreams. You’re the stereotypical college studnet – taking on the world and offering no apologies. You’re here to make the world a better place.

Pisces: You’re the kind of person who runs to help when someone’s dropped their books all over the floor. You’re a compassionate soul, doing your best to bring positivity to the lives of those around you. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and the world could use more of that trademark emotional honesty. You’re an optomist – so, even when your professor assigns you a lengthy paper, you’re ready to face the challenge head-on. You might be a musician – you might be interested in traveling the world. You’re kind, Pisces, and we all think you’re amazing. You’re a winner.