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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

         When dating, you should never feel like someone is a waste a time because, that is the whole purpose of dating people; you get to know them and feel things out. To explore yourself and see where it’ll lead you. So really, no one can ever be a waste of time. Without them, you wouldn’t be who or where you are now. The things you go through in life when dating people helps shape you as a person, what you stand for and what you will tolerate. It helps you understand your likes and dislikes or what you even want out of life & relationships. Some of those people may hurt you in the process but that’s life, it has blessings and lessons all you can do is learn from it and work on being a better you along the way. Never lose sight of yourself and don’t treat newcomers the way others have treated you in the past, everyone is different and deserves a fresh start – including yourself. With every new person in your life, try something new. Maybe there was something in the previous relationship you felt you did wrong, so in this new one eliminate it and see how far you can get.

         We all have an end goal when it comes to relationships, someone to comitt too for a long period of time (maybe marriage). Therefore, never be afriad to explore your options, no matter the circumstance becuase somewhere in the world someone was once in your shoes and now they’re as happy as they can be. For example, I know it sounds wrong to date friends, but you truly never know if it was meant to be if you don’t test it out. All parties in a situation like this have to be mature enough and understanding. It’s not about your ex, it’s about you and your happiness, your ex most likely moved on and is currently happy where they’re at – so why do they matter? The only person that will miss out in this situation is you. That friend could’ve been the one person you managed to grow old with and treat you how you should be treated, compared to your ex who obviously wasn’t doing their job as a mate. Do not restrict yourself for others because in reality, everyone is about putting their happiness first.

          You must be willing to try new things. Don’t ever give up on love or be afraid of the idea of being love, your time will come. In order to flourish,you have to make yourself uncomfortable because being comfortable is just enabling old habits. You’re the only person that can hold you back. 

Your head & your heart will never be aligned when it comes to relationships because your mind will always try to protect your heart while you heart will always try to be free.

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Gila Skelly

Buff State

Hello! My name is Gila. Fashion Merchandise major, aspiring to conquer all. My mission in life isn't just to fashionably aspire but to help, inspire, encourage, uplift and motivate women of the world. "It's not just fashion, it's a lifestyle" - G.Skelly xoxo