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Hope Mayes ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.
Name: Hope Mayes
Major: Theatre
Class Status: Junior
Quote to live by: “I live by no fear and facing life head on”
Biggest Inspiration: “Everyone around me. Everyone I’m meet throughout my life has taught me something new about life and how to communicate with people.”
Organizations/Activities: RHA both as a hall council and eboard member, she has hosted the Hair Show. Participated in Alternative Spring Break, and was on Charwells Flyer and has done a commercial for Buffalo State College.
Reason for choosing Buffalo State College and what have you learned: “I came here because I have family here and for the theatre department. So far I have learned that this life is what you want to make of it. There will come a time when you can do what everyone thinks you should do or do what you want to and you have to know that you are worth not being afraid of everyone, or making a mistake, and just going for it.”
Plans after Graduation: “Once I graduate, I have no idea what I am going to do. I would love to be a carpenter and live on the beach.”
Any Last comments to other women on campus: “And to all the women (and men) at Buffalo State College: the greatest treasure in this world is you, because you are the only you there will ever be. Love yourself, rejoice in yourself, and you’ll find a new peace.”
(All of us here at Her Campus Suny Buff State would like to thank Hope for her time and participation.)