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Your Weekly Horoscope: Bucknell Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

For the week of March 20- March 27

Because who doesn’t like reading a few generic sentences about how “worthwhile” and “riveting” their last month on campus is going to be?

Pisces: Spring break is over, Pisces – and that means it’s time to get back into your normal routine. Unfortunately, with finals right around the corner there will be no more late nights of Netflix binging in your future. Except this isn’t necessarily a bad thing; on Thursday night as you leave Bertrand you’ll cross paths with an old acquaintance who will remind you that the library isn’t always that bad.

Aries: It’s time to get motivated Aries! Your impulsive ways have led your post-spring break weeks to be very busy. Those clubs and activities you signed up for seemed like a good idea at the time but you may find yourself regretting your spontaneous ways. Saturday night you will find yourself doing something you never thought you would do before, like on stage performing a stand-up comedy act in Trout Auditorium. Better brush up on those Will Ferrell references.

Taurus: With spring break over it’s time to say goodbye to that beach diet. Your loyal and self-indulging attitude has led you right back at the front of the line at the Flyson on Wednesday night. Although you are known for your generosity, it’s okay to admit that this order of Nacho Mac is all for you.

Gemini: While the thought of returning to early mornings and shower shoes may make you the least happy to be back on campus, with classes back in session you can return to your devious ways. Your imagination will come into play this Thursday morning when you convince your teacher once again that the monkeys took your homework, just another risk, or perk, of being an Animal Behavior major.

Cancer: A great opportunity will present itself to you this week. This Friday you will receive good news that you got that summer internship in NYC. Have fun putting in the extra hours of working in the mailroom or other campus jobs saving up for the luxurious city life. While this job may build up your resume, it certainly doesn’t fill your wallet.     

Leo: Arriving back to campus with a dark tan and blonder locks you are feeling great this week, Leo. And this week is going to be your week. Although before you left, you found yourself regretting taking that one class, things are looking up for you. On Tuesday you get that test back you’ve been worrying about all break and finally that A is in your future.

Virgo: Your friends have never been so thankful to have you this week. Returning from break calm and collected, you are the first to offer a helping hand to your fellow classmates and peers in that dreaded Calc study group. Although you are always willing to help, just remember you have your own work to do too.

Libra: Big changes are in your future for this week. After countless late nights at 7th Street you will find the time to quit out of Moodle, put your work aside for a bit, and have some fun. On Saturday night you will meet a new group of friends downtown who will show you how fun it can be to forget about your homework for the night.

Scorpio: Love is in the air for you, Scorpio. This Monday you’ll run into that boy you’ve been eyeing for the past few weeks in the gym. Although he may not have noticed you before, when you lock eyes in the line at Bada Basil you will finally find the courage to spark a conversation. Don’t get upset if he doesn’t seem immediately engaged, you two will cross paths again shortly.

Sagittarius: It is time to break out of old habits, Sagittarius. Feeling inspired after returning from a week of freedom, it is finally time to break old patterns and get involved in new activities and clubs. This Thursday you will run into an old friend who will encourage you to get involved. While it is always awkward trying new things and being the “new” girl, do not hesitate. This is something you will not regret.

Capricornus: It’s time to get outside, Capricornus. With the beautiful spring weather in full swing you will find yourself taking advantage of the area around you. Put your car keys away and walk the distance to Academic West rather than drive. Also, find the time to explore the greater Lewisburg area. The Susquehanna has more in store than you expected.

Aquarius: Your stubborn attitude has paid off! After many attempts of trying to get into that kickboxing class you finally have a spot Tuesday. Get ready to use that core and non-existent upper body strength while lifting those two-pound weights. The post-workout high will make the tough hour worthwhile.