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Life > Academics

Why Bucknell- and why everything happens for a reason!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

A little over a year ago around this time I was taking all of the BuzzFeed quizzes I could find about where I would ‘fit in’ in terms of college. I ended up applying to twelve different schools and it was quite the roulette! 

Most of my schools were large state schools including the University of Georgia, the University of Michigan, and the University of Virginia. In fact, Bucknell University was not on my radar at all until my grandfather mentioned that his business partner graduated from here. I didn’t really think much of it, but I decided to add it on my application ‘just in case’. 

Truth be told, when I received an email from Bucknell saying that my application status had been updated, I was in a Dairy Queen parking lot with my two best friends. I opened the application with them, they were honestly more nervous than I! “Congratulations!” the letter started- I immediately celebrated with some ice cream. However, it was mostly a celebration because it was the only school with the exception of my two safety schools that I had been admitted to thus far. 

Fast forward to March 26, 2022, my birthday, I was denied from what I thought was my ‘dream school’, absolutely devastated I sulked to my parents. We weighed our options: my two safety schools and Bucknell. Not even two weeks later I found myself in the middle-of-no-where Pennsylvania on a beautiful campus at, what I would learn to be, the most perfect school for me. 

I was quickly put into contact with friends and friends of friends that attend(ed) Bucknell and I was beyond impressed with the sense of pride and community this school fosters. 

Now, I am over two months into my first year here and I have absolutely never been happier! Lewisburg is literally my favorite place- between Amami, the Rail Trail walking path, Sweet Frog, the several adorable boutiques, and so much more, this really is the cutest town. Not to mention the views on campus alone: the sunsets on the quad, the library, the scattered beach volleyball courts (which served as a great place to meet people during orientation!). 

Although all of these physical aspects contribute to what makes Bucknell the best place ever, the people and friendships I have made since being here is what makes it so special. First of all, I have to mention my first three friends I made being here- my three roommates. Our ‘quad’ is a safe and super fun space that I love coming home to- yes Bucknell is home. My favorite part about it is that there are always people in my room whether it be hallmates, friends, or even people just passing by! Secondly, although it may sound cliche, the professors here are the best. I truly do feel that each and every one of them care about me as a person and want me to be successful. I have never felt uncomfortable participating in class or talking to them about anything. Lastly, I love how many opportunities there are for me to be involved, even as a first-year. Since being here, I have been an involved member of HerCampus ( <3 ), Bucknell Student Government (specifically the advocacy committee), Public Safety Student Advisory Committee, and the environment club! I find that this is the best way for me personally to build relationships with other people and make new friends while being active in the community- something I value very highly. 

I simply love everything about Bucknell and am so grateful to be here! When anyone is going through change, and challenges are brought on, I find it very comforting to know that everything will fall into place, everything happens for a reason. 


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Jenna DeLuccia

Bucknell '26

Hey! My name is Jenna DeLuccia and I am a student at Bucknell University from Franklin Lakes, New Jersey! I love to go to the Jersey shore and NYC, take spin classes, travel, spend time with my friends and family, and hot girl walk outside :)