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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

With Thanksgiving sneaking up on us, we’re already salivating and dreaming of turkey, mashed potatoes, and that pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving entails long dinners, multiple courses, and likely, lots of wine. It’s the one time of the year you are allowed to indulge guilt-free, eating and drinking 10-days worth of calories within the span of four hours. But, what will you wear? Family gatherings are not usually the time to break out your new leather pants or those suede stilettos. (Save the stilettos for when you aren’t sitting next to your Great Uncle). Yet, that does not mean you cannot look fashionable (and slim).

Read Her Campus Bucknell’s tips for looking presentable even when you’ve eaten enough for a small army:


Ate too much before the guests have even arrived?

Stick to monochromatic outfits. Monochromatic outfits, especially in black, are slimming and look fashionable. Try to opt for a tighter pant and looser top, whether it’s a peplum top or a poncho. The all-black outfit will look chic, and hide those stray blobs of cranberry sauce. Pull a poncho or blazer over that food baby, and reach for another slice of pie—we know you want it.


Loose Dresses: “Blair Waldorf Must Pie” Edition

Oh we all remember one of our favorite episodes of Gossip Girl Season One: “Blair Waldorf Must Pie.” Blair Waldorf dressed perfectly to scarf down Harold’s famous Pumpkin Pie. Opt for a loose fitting dress in fall and neutral tones. Pair your loose, elegant dress with the perfect necklace. In this case, Blair chose a high-neck piece. The higher the neckline, the higher people’s eyes are drawn. The higher people’s eyes are drawn, the less emphasis on the food baby you’re hiding under that dress. Finish the look with black tights and black heels to elongate and slim those legs.


Belts Are Your Friend.

For those of you who cannot steer far from printed clothing, grab your favorite belt. Belting a printed dress or tunic will add shape to your figure. Try a belt high on your waist in order to highlight the smallest part of your torso. While we recommend that you stick to solid colors, we understand some of us are attached at the hip (literally) to prints. In this case, opt for darker prints embracing the burgundies and browns of the holiday. And remember, that printed dress is nothing without that chocolate leather belt.

Bucknell University 2018
What's up Collegiettes! I am so excited to be one half of the Campus Correspondent team for Bucknell's chapter of Her Campus along with the lovely Julia Shapiro.  I am currently a senior at Bucknell studying Creative Writing and Sociology.