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Unexpected Ways to Celebrate V-Day Without Breaking the Bank

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Holidays can be expensive, especially when you’re in a relationship or seeing someone. There’s a lot of pressure to impress and that pressure usually comes in the form of expectations: a fancy schmancy dinner, a weekend getaway to somewhere exotic, a diamond ring (?!?) – some get more carried away than others, but Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are some simple and sweet ways to show your love without spending your life savings.



            Relax, I’m not talking about getting a tattoo (although that would be the ultimate love statement). I’m talking about Ink Card: Personalized Photo Cards Sent in the mail. This site links you to download the app on your phone and syncs to your photo albums and your Facebook account. You can select a photo, theme and design (Valentine’s Day, for example) and send your honey a personalized Valentine in the mail straight from your phone! How easy is that?! And so thoughtful. Who doesn’t love getting a surprise in the mail? Their slogan is Helping the world be more thoughtful”. Perfect.     



            No, not like that either. Come on. Another simple and fun thing to do on Valentine’s Day is baking, of course. One of my personal favorite Valentine’s Day treat is a fresh twist on a classic: conversation heart cake pops. I had some trouble getting mine to look as good as the picture (that always seems to be the case) but the good news is that no matter how squished your heart shaped pops look, they ALWAYS taste good. I mean hello, there is frosting inside the cake! Delish. It’s a super fun activity to do with someone else and they make a great gift to give out as well.




            I mean cooking real food now, not just baked goodies. There’s always a lot of pressure on V Day to go out somewhere fancy for dinner or have your significant other prepare some elaborate meal at home. So take the pressure off and take a cooking class together on Valentine’s Day. The head chef will walk you through every step of the entire meal, and then at the end, you’ve prepared a beautiful meal that’s ready for eating! (And someone else does the cleaning!) There are always fun couples and other people at the classes to meet and it’s a guaranteed good time. 



Remember, it’s not how much money you spend on the day or the person. It’s quality over quantity. It’s those simple, tender moments. Those hilarious, spontaneous memories that you’ll cherish. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box! Happy Valentine’s Day!