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Spring Break Blues? Here’s How to Make the Most of Your Break at Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

There’s probably no worse FOMO (that’s “fear of missing out”) than knowing your friends are soaking up the sun somewhere warm and tropical while you’re stuck at home. If your spring break plans this year include Netflix and hanging out with your fam., don’t worry. Here’s how to make the most of your spring break at home:

  1. Visit Your Friends From Home at School: We always say we’re going to do it, but when you’re busy at school, it’s often hard to visit your friends at school. If your friends at other schools have different spring break schedules, use the opportunity to take a road trip. 
  2. Be a Tourist in Your Home Town: It wasn’t until I came to college that I realized I had never really experienced everything in the city I lived in for almost my entire life. Take the chance to do the touristy things in your town that you haven’t taken the chance to do, and discover a side of the place you call home that you haven’t experienced before. 
  3. Eat Good Food: As much (or as little) as you might love the food options in the Caf and the Bison, mixing it up is always good, too. Try a new restaurant near your house or go out to your favorite place and indulge yourself in something delicious. Or better yet, find a cookbook and learn to cook yourself something yummy; your taste buds will appreciate it!
  4. Read a Book: No, not your chemistry textbook or any other “required” reading you not-so-secretly despise; read a novel for the sake of enjoyment. Take the break from school to read something just for fun. Not only will you rediscover why you once liked books, you’ll also appreciate taking a break from staring at your iPhone/computer/TV screen.
  5. Spring Cleaning!: Your room at home is probably filled with stuff you don’t need or use anymore. Use the week you have off from school to get rid of some of it. Donate old clothes you never wear, rearrange your furniture and maybe even add a few new touches. Now you’ll have a cool, clean new space to come home to in the future! 
  6. SLEEP: Finally, sleep is one of the most valuable things to collegiettes, and catching up on your zzz’s during spring break is one sure way to make sure you return to school well-rested and happy. All your friends who come back jet-lagged from their trips to far away places? They’ll be jealous of you.