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LOL Hookup Stories and Texts From the Morning After: Bucknell Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Everyone has had one or two hookup experiences that they never want to remember or relive. Those embarrassing stories you tell your friends, and no one else? Well now you can read all those stories and see that you are not alone. We’ve all been there. I asked all of you to anonymously submit your most embarrassing hookup stories and “texts from the morning after” and here is what you said…

LOL Stories:

I was walking home late at night with a kid, ended up going back to his room and while we were in the middle of…stuff…he leaped out of his bed and threw up all over the floor and ran to the bathroom. In my state of panic (and nausea), I grabbed one of his towels to cover myself up and ran back to my dorm leaving my clothes, shoes and fracket in his room.”

“It was welcome night and I had just met the love of my life on the dance floor…we both went in for the kiss at the same time and aggressively head-butted each other. The impact ended up chipping my front tooth. He swallowed it. I ran away. I’m so sorry, anonymous guy I never learned the name of.”

Freshman year I was hooking up with a guy and he walked to the bathroom naked.  He walked back to the wrong room – my male neighbor’s dorm – and grabbed what he thought were his pants.  Once he got into the hallway he realized they weren’t his and threw them back into the room. The guys were awake the whole time, watching from their lofted beds.  The next day I heard them telling the whole hall about the tall naked guy who walked into their room in the middle of the night.”


“I brought a guy back to my room one of the first weekends of freshman year.  As we were making out, he pointed to my roommate’s bed and asked, “Who is that?” I told him her name and said, “Please tell me you know my name.”  He responded, “uh sorry it’s really dark in here.” We’re really good friends now, but at the time I guess he didn’t know me that well…”

“My little 16-year-old sister was visiting me at school so I decided to take her to a register. At the party I started hooking up with a total rando and after a while my sister pulled me away and told me that she had just hooked up with that same boy! Always nice to get your little sister’s sloppy seconds…”


Texts From the Morning After (some of these aren’t actual sent texts, but instead they describe their hookup story in a text format):

“Hey did you find my tampon under your bed?”

“Isn’t it weird we’re both OAs?”

“Was that me or you that peed the bed?”

Now you know, it’s normal to have that embarrassing hookup every once in a while. All you can do now is laugh about it and move on to the next one!