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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

…if you need to clean your room, workout, shower, call your mom, paint your nails, and get another coffee before you can actually sit down and start studying,

…and if you need to use self-control computer apps to prevent you from drifting away from your paper and onto Facebook or Buzzfeed

…if you sometimes contemplate deleting your Facebook altogether

…and then stepping back and recognizing you never ever will

…and if you find putting your phone on silent just makes you check it more

…if you utilize finals week as an excuse to wear leggings and sweats all day every day

…if the prospect of throwing out all of your old papers and notebooks is motivating you to push through those long nights at the library

…if you own one or multiple pairs of Bean Boots, but also complain about how everyone on campus dresses the same

…if you contemplate sending a text and/or Facebook IM for hours and then don’t even end up doing it

…if you sometimes you wish you could just take a bubble bath

…if you think the notion of grinding is beyond weird

…if you question how a soy latte can cost $6

…if you wish Michael Bublé was younger and single

…if you decide to just wear the tight dress because, realistically, it would be wildly inappropriate to do so in four years 

…if Pizza Phi, Mancinni’s, and Dominos are all in your recent call log

…if you like waking up to intense hip-hop and/or pop hits of the 90s. Gotta listen to whatever gets you going!

…if, regardless of how much you love college, you wish you had a “real world” job where homework and exams were non-existent

Margaret is a senior at Bucknell University majoring in psychology and economics. She is a campus correspondent for Her Campus Bucknell, a member of the women's squash team, and spent last semester abroad in Rome. She loves all kinds of music from Michael Buble to old-school hip hop, Kiawah Island (SC), Oprah magazine, crossword puzzles and going out to leisurely weekend brunches with her friends. 
Elizabeth is a senior at Bucknell University, majoring in English and Spanish. She was born and raised in Northern New Jersey, always with hopes of one day pursuing a career as a journalist. She worked for her high school paper and continues to work on Bucknell’s The Bucknellian as a senior writer. She has fervor for frosting, creamy delights, and all things baking, an affinity for classic rock music, is a collector of bumper stickers and postcards, and is addicted to Zoey Deschanel in New Girl. Elizabeth loves anything coffee flavored, the Spanish language, and the perfect snowfall. Her weakness? Brunch. See more of her work at www.elizabethbacharach.wordpress.com