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Here’s To You, Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Dearest Thanksgiving,

I am truly thankful for so much, but I’d like to take this moment to express my gratitude to you, Thanksgiving. Thank you for unabashedly taking on the role of being the day that is an eat-a-thon. And thank you for not letting me feel guilty for indulging in this day. After all, it is a day that celebrates being grateful, so why should I be anything but grateful to shove my face with mashed potatoes, yams, turkey, gravy, stuffing, green beans, and pie on pie on pie. Am I going overboard here? No way. I’m just getting started.

Let’s face it, we all get tired after a while of hearing “Eat this, not that!” and “How to keep that bod tight in the winter months,” or “Mind that ‘thigh gap’” and so on and so forth. In a time of truly relentless annoyingness from all things media and “skinny girl,” thank you, yes YOU, Thanksgiving. Thanks for letting me eat both this and that, for not caring that I don’t care about keeping my bod “tight” this November (I’ll save that for my New Years resolution), and for encouraging me to say “screw you thigh gap!” Thanksgiving, thank you from the bottom of my heart for never judging me as I gorge myself in all of your yumminess.

Lastly, Thanksgiving, I want to thank you for truly allowing this food fest to be one for all ages, shapes and sizes. Are you currently trying to cut back? Perfect, this is your day to really treat yourself! Not currently cutting back? Even better! Put the pedal to the metal, baby! Skinny? Great, time to put some (turkey) meat on those bones! Softer, or perhaps rounder? YES, why stop now?! Thanksgiving, you are both the king and queen of all holidays, and if you are granting me permission to eat, eat, eat, then by all means I will oblige!

Thanksgiving, I guess what I’m trying to say is, thanks for being you. You are appreciated and your greatness in all things eating has not gone unnoticed. So when I step up to take my turn in loading up my glorious plate, I will allow my eyes to be as big as my stomach and I won’t feel bad about it! Thanks for giving me this day filled with delicious food and overall warmness and completely void of guilt and regret. Thank you for this day this year wonderful Thanksgiving, and I look forward to your visit in the years to come!

Much love from your fondest friend,






Elizabeth is a senior at Bucknell University, majoring in English and Spanish. She was born and raised in Northern New Jersey, always with hopes of one day pursuing a career as a journalist. She worked for her high school paper and continues to work on Bucknell’s The Bucknellian as a senior writer. She has fervor for frosting, creamy delights, and all things baking, an affinity for classic rock music, is a collector of bumper stickers and postcards, and is addicted to Zoey Deschanel in New Girl. Elizabeth loves anything coffee flavored, the Spanish language, and the perfect snowfall. Her weakness? Brunch. See more of her work at www.elizabethbacharach.wordpress.com