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Easy Ways To Brighten Anyone’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

All the negativity we see in the news these days is exhausting.  Imagine if we lived in a world where everyone was looking out for each other.  There are many small steps that you can take every day toward making the world a better place!  You will never know how much you are going to impact someone, or how much a person needs it.  Chances are, you will even inspire them to pass kindness on to someone else.

You can create random acts of kindness anywhere, even on sidewalks.  When you see a parking meter that has expired, put a quarter in it.  Your 25 cents is worth saving someone from the amount of frustration and disappointment that a ticket causes!  Another easy way to do something nice on sidewalks is to give your restaurant leftovers to a homeless person.  Most likely, they are going to need it more than you do.

When you’re walking from class to class or around your dorm building, don’t be afraid to smile at strangers or say hello.  It isn’t weird.  Maybe even ask that person sitting next to you how they’re doing at the beginning of class one day.  You might make a new friend!  Also, when you like someone’s outfit or something about them, tell them! You would be surprised how great a sincere compliment can make someone feel.

If a group is gossiping, be that person who says something nice.  It’s an easy way of reminding your friends that being mean isn’t healthy for anyone.  Helping your friends reach their best potential is a great way to strengthen friendships.  If you come across an internship or job that you aren’t qualified for, but you have a friend who is, tell them about it! They will be so grateful, and very flattered that they were the first person you thought of.

Do you want to show your thanks to an awesome professor?  Bring mini donuts or cookies to class.  No one will think you are a kiss up if the desserts are for everyone— plus people will be too busy enjoying them!  It also would be sweet to send an email or note to an old professor that has had an influence on you.  For how hard teachers work (and the average amounts of money they make), being grateful for them is extra necessary!

Even around your dorm, there are plenty of things you can do to make people happy.  If you’re feeling ambitious, do your roommate’s dishes one day.  It won’t take more than a few minutes, and it’s such a kind gesture to do something just to make someone else’s life a little easier!  Another idea is to write kind messages or quotes on sticky notes, and leave them random places, like inside a friend’s laptop or textbook, or on a mirror.  This kind of pick me up can make someone’s day!

Tell your significant other or your best friend when you think they are looking extra handsome or beautiful that day.  A little kindness can go a long way.  You might even have fun with creating a list of things you love about that person.

And lastly…

Call your grandparents!!! Don’t hesitate to write a letter and send a photo, even if you don’t have an occasion or reason.  It will make their week.




