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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Cosmopolitan Magazine — the famed all-knowing bible of sex; from “The Sex Position of the Day” to dating advice, this magazine has offered the inside scoop on hook ups, sex, men, and relationships to women since 1886 in 64 international editions, 35 languages, in more than 100 countries. It’s helped young and mature women alike learn more about sex and the mysterious world of men. Cosmopolitan is a great resource for all things sex; its non-judgmental it’s a fun read, and it has some really good advice! But, sometimes the magazine places some interesting expectations on its readers. The magazine provides some great insight but don’t let yourself get hung up if you can’t figure out how to do “the linguini.”


The Good

Not everyone’s parents are like the Fockers – we didn’t all have parents who were open to talking about sex. Sometimes, we want to know more, but there’s nowhere to turn for our questions. Why does sex sometimes hurt? Why do some women orgasm during sex and not others? Cosmo answers them all without making things awkward. There are great tips on how to have 31 Days of Hot, Unique Sex (try doing it outside!) and 13 suggestions on how to achieve an orgasm (so-said “guaranteed”) such as turning off lights, phone, etc. so that you’re feeling the moment rather than focusing on the outside world or what your body looks like. Maybe your boyfriend’s birthday is coming up and you want to try something new — Cosmo’s got all the goods. The magazine even talks about domestic violence, a topic that is really hard for many women to talk about — this magazine conveniently provides answers and advice. Cosmopolitan magazine is an great resource when you want to know more about sex, but would rather not ask anyone.


The Not So Good

Well, not every girl wants to have sex in every position and location known to man. Reading through the 31 Days of Hot Sex article, I could see some tips that could spice up a night with a guy — but challenge #24, where the man gently yanks on your ponytail while doing you from behind, is not exactly what comes to mind when I think sexy. Cosmopolitan magazine sometimes takes it to the extreme: not all women fantasize about these kinds of things. There is even an article about sex that landed the couple in the ER – I will be the first to admit that I hope that never happens to me. Cosmopolitan’s expectations on how sex should be can sometimes be overwhelming and make women feel self-conscious. So my advice, take every Cosmo article with a grain of salt. Maybe try out a new position or experiment with the suggested Jedi mind trick to orgasm, but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t want to splash your t-shirt while doing the dishes so he can see your nipples. 


Cosmopolitan Magazine has a ton of benefits — if you’ve never looked through the sex section of the magazine before, DO IT. There’s an online magazine too, and even a sex position app for your iPhone. But, don’t get caught up in the details. If you’re not into everything it tells you, don’t worry — you’re not alone.