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Challenge yourself to different New Year’s Resolution: Run a Half-Marathon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

            On a fall day when I was just shy of seven, my father took me to the park to run a half-mile, without stopping.  While that seemed like a marathon to my little legs at the time, it planted the insatiable desire to run further and further without stopping.  Nearly 15 years later, that desire has grown to include the family tradition of running 13 miles, or more, on New Year’s Morning.
            On New Year’s Morning, most college age women are lying in bed fighting off the first hangover of the year.  What kind of way is that to kick off a new year and a presumably lengthy list of resolutions? Why not try to start the New Year off in stride and run a half marathon? You don’t have to do it fast, you don’t have to do it alone, but, like Nike advertises, just do it!  I propose this challenge to every girl at Bucknell, and any other takers, whether in shape or not: Train for and run a half-marathon by January 1st 2012. 
            Running is a sport that is not limited to the extremely talented, the super coordinated, the extremely tall, or the teeny tiny.  Everyone can run!  Not only does it provide stress relief in ways unimaginable to a non-runner, but if fills you with a sense of gratification after every run.  For the next 11 weeks, I want to take you on a journey to get you in the best physical shape of your life, and to run a half marathon. 
Week 1:
Before we get into anything super intense, there are four important steps you need to do prepare:
1- Running is always better with a friend!  This week, find a girlfriend who is looking to challenger herself and get fit right alongside you.  You’ll be able to get super sexy legs for those winter formals dresses while catching up on your day to day lives. 
2- Get the right gear!  Make sure you have good quality running shoes to help support your body.  Some of the best brands include Brooks, Nike, Asics, Adidas, and Mizuno, however you can run in whatever brand works best for you body.  Also make sure that your running threads aren’t worn out; you don’t want to pull a Janet Jackson while you are running!
3- Get to the gym!  To get your training started, just go to the gym a few times to see what kind of shape you are in.  If it isn’t a classic rainy day in Lewisburg, it is a perfect time of the year to go out for a run.  Give yourself a little headstart so that you don’t jump right into a new training program with cold feet.   
4- Set a Goal! If running is something you have been doing, and love doing, then maybe setting a time goal is something that would interest you.  If you want to do it to get in shape, maybe dropping five pounds could be your goal.  If you are simply looking for a challenge, just set the goal of finishing the 13.1 miles.  Setting a goal from the start will increase the likelihood that you will accomplish the task.  

Michelle Joline is a senior at Bucknell University, majoring in Art History with minors in French and English (Creative Writing). Michelle is pursuing a career in broadcast media and entertainment, stemming off her long love of television and film. She is a co-founder and editor for Bucknell's branch of Her Campus and also spends her time as the Arts & Life editor of her school's newspaper, The Bucknellian. Michelle enjoys frozen yogurt, her golden retriever, New York City, movie trivia, and religiously reading The New York Times. She has been told her celebrity lookalike is none other than Michelle Tanner.