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Campus Celeb: Devon Calhoun

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Devon Calhoun is a Sophomore and is the president of Bucknell’s oldest co-ed acapella group, Two Past Midnight. We asked Devon about her role as president to find out more about what it is like managing such a talented group. As they are preparing for their spring concert, Devon has a lot going on! 

  1. When did your love of singing begin?

    Honestly, I can’t remember the age, but it seems like forever. You could say it began with a rendition of Brittany Spears’s – “Stronger” with my neighborhood buds, or recording myself singing “All I want for Christmas is You” on our family desktop computer. 

  2. How did you become involved with Two Past Midnight?

    When I got to Bucknell I knew I wanted to be in an acapella group, so at the activities fair I signed up for just about every audition. Then Two Past offered me a spot- ask my freshman hall- it was a very exciting day!

  3. How is this group different from other organizations on campus?

    Two Past Midnight is a family. All throughout high school I played sports and had a team outside of school that I could call my family. At Bucknell, I was afraid I wouldn’t find that, but then Two Past came along. We all love each other and are there for each other through thick and thin. Even though our late night practices can seem like the worst thing after a day of studying, its always exactly what I need to let some steam off. It’s probably my favorite part of Bucknell.

  4. When is your next concert and what can we expect?

    Our Spring Concert is Scheduled for April 26th @ 3 PM in Bucknell Hall. We have a bunch of great arrangements coming along this semester including: Counting Starts by One Republic, Let Her Go by Passenger, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, and many more! It should be great- we have been working very hard this semester! 

  5. Do you hope to pursue a career in music/singing post graduation?

    A lot of people ask me this question, and it’s a very tough thing to answer. When I was growing up I honestly wanted to be Miley Cyrus. I would sit in my room writing song after song on my guitar and hoping one of them would be good enough to send me off. However, my mom always told me that I didn’t want a life that would keep me from trying new things and wouldn’t forgive me for any mistakes I made. For most of my childhood, I hated her for saying those things, but now I agree. I have so many passions along with my passion for music that I wouldn’t be able to do if I tried to pursue that career. My goal now is to hopefully find a place where I can play once a week, to a low-key audience that enjoys good music. That way music will forever be in my life, but not to an extent that will hold me back from other things I enjoy.


  1. Spot on Campus: Back porch of Mod 20 

  2. Meal at Bucknell: Mongo Bongo from the Caf

  3. Class: Jazz, Rock, and Race taught by Barry Long

  4. Thing about Bucknell: In a place that seems a lot of the same, you can find some pretty interesting people if you keep your eyes open  

  5. Freeze Flavor: Oreo, Cookie dough, Brownie 

​4 Fun Facts:

  1. I love to travel. I was in Kenya for a month last summer, I’m going to Nicaragua for a month this summer, and hopefully abroad to Cape Town in the Spring of 2015!

  2. I’m a huge tomboy

  3. I stopped being a vegetarian because my sister asked me what I would eat at thanksgiving… I had no answer.

  4. I like turtles. A lot.