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Bucknell Beauty Standards: Should We Ladies Be Caring Less?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

You may or may not have already heard that Bucknell is ranked on College Prowler’s list of the “Top 25 Colleges with the Hottest Girls.” Although this is somewhat flattering to hear, it could also be seen as a strenuous reputation to uphold because it leaves girls with the notion that we have to acquire this certain beauty everyday. Let’s face it ladies, what girl doesn’t love clothes and make-up? Don’t get me wrong here, it isn’t a crime to be interested in your physical appearance, but girls have to keep in mind that there needs to be a balance between wanting to look good and dedicating hours on your appearance when you should be focusing on schoolwork. So, where do we draw the line?  When does caring too much about appearance become a problem?

If your appearance is the only thing you care about, I hate to break it to you but…you have a problem. I know it’s extremely hard to not obsess over your physical appearance, (especially since it is inevitable that you will run into some hotties) but stressing over your looks shouldn’t be your number one concern considering there are probably more important things in your life. If you are one of those girls with the mentality of wanting to look good every second of the day, then please take a deep breath and stop.

Even though we all love the movie “Mean Girls” please remember that your friends love you no matter what you look like. I know that is cheesy, but it is true. Do not think that you need improve your physical appearance for them, or anyone for that matter for the fear that they will become less interested in you.

So… I know I mentioned that it is imperative not to obsess over your physical appearance, it would be false to say appearance does not matter at all in today’s world.  First impressions are important and while there is no need to get dolled up for every class, one should look somewhat put together. There are a variety of easy ways to let your natural beauty shine through, no excessive mirror required. For one, every girl should, eat healthy! Believe it or not, eating healthier helps improve your skin. So avoid getting used to eating all those greasy and fast foods especially if you have sensitive skin. Drink more water! It is important to hydrate especially a night of drinking. Wash your face every night and every morning with dermatologist approved products.           

Products like Neutrogena and Cetaphil are dermatologist-approved products. Moisturize. Moisturizing your skin will both protect and maintain the beauty of your skin as you get older. And lastly, if you choose to wear foundation, make sure you are applying the right color tone. You do not want to look like you are wearing a mask. If it is your first time buying foundation, go to a real beauty counter and let a sales associate who knows what she is doing, help you out.  

Granted, we do have a lot of beautiful girls on this campus, but that does not mean ladies need to engage in an imaginary beauty pageant on the daily. In addition to being attractive, Bucknell women are known for being smart, driven, and kind all of which are characteristics that trump beauty. Next time you’re feeling insecure, do not pull a Heidi Klum. There is certainly some pressure on campus to uphold a particular image, but keep in mind that half of this pressure may be in your head.  As a student, you have so much more going on for you than say, a pretty face and a good body.

We all need to realize that other people really do not care or notice what we look like on a given Tuesday afternoon.  Men should respect you for reasons other than physical ones, and remember that your friends ultimately love you for who you are and not your hair looks.  It is certainly okay to devote some time to your appearance, but keep in mind that people love and want to be around you for who you are on the inside and not for how you look.

Elizabeth is a senior at Bucknell University, majoring in English and Spanish. She was born and raised in Northern New Jersey, always with hopes of one day pursuing a career as a journalist. She worked for her high school paper and continues to work on Bucknell’s The Bucknellian as a senior writer. She has fervor for frosting, creamy delights, and all things baking, an affinity for classic rock music, is a collector of bumper stickers and postcards, and is addicted to Zoey Deschanel in New Girl. Elizabeth loves anything coffee flavored, the Spanish language, and the perfect snowfall. Her weakness? Brunch. See more of her work at www.elizabethbacharach.wordpress.com