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Best of Finals: To Work or Not To Work?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Yes, unfortunately, it is that time again:  finals. Like me, you are probably wondering, where did the year go? Whether you are a senior who would rather do anything else on campus than study, or a freshman who is worried about your first-year GPA, here are some ways you can accomplish either goal:

To Work:

  1. Don’t sit with your friends in the library. It’s hard; I know. However, the only way you are actually going to get work done is by distancing yourself from them for a couple hours to pump out that paper. You can always meet them at the library café for a five-minute coffee break.
  2. SLEEP. This is so important. Make sure you are doing your best to get at least six to seven hours of sleep per night. It is proven to make all the difference on tests. Also, if you stay up late one night, that loss of sleep will affect you for the next two days. So make sure to get rest not only the night before finals, but two nights before finals as well.
  3. Make a schedule. If you know you have a lot to do, write out a list of all the studying, papers and assignments you need to finish for each day. That way you don’t forget anything, and you can easily plan what to do when. Plus, doesn’t it feel so good when you finally get to cross things of your to-do list?
  4. Give yourself little prizes for finishing a certain amount of work. All you psych majors out there know that we are more inclined to get something done if there is a prize involved. You’ve been working hard; you deserve a little something.
  5. Go to those extra office hours or help sessions with your professors. Chances are something they tell you will help you for your final.


Not To Work:

  1. Spend some time outside! The weather is beautiful and spring is finally here, so enjoy it. Plus, some vitamin D can only keep you healthier for finals!
  2. Go get a massage or a manicure. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself every now and then. There are plenty of new spring colors out for your nails right now.
  3. Exercise. Wherever and however you want. It’s a great way to take a study break and really get those endorphins pumping, which is proven to actually stimulate your brain.
  4. Go the Freez. There is nothing like an oversized hunk of ice cream filled with 3 toppings to make you forget about finals…among other things…
  5. You’ve been waiting all semester to find time to watch that movie with your significant other or your best friend…so do it! Rom Com, scary movie, action, etc., whatever you want. Snuggle up on the couch, grab some popcorn, and relax.
Devin is a sophomore at Bucknell University. She is intending to be a Markets, Innovation and Design major in the School of Management, and is also pursuing a minor in Creative Writing. She can be found giving tours around campus, doing homework on the quad, or dancing in her apartment with her friends. Devin also writes for the HC Bucknell chapter, and loves all things Her Campus! Outside of school and HC, she enjoys playing sports, reading, singing, and trying new foods. In fact, her life motto is "eat dessert first." Devin is very excited to be the Management Intern at HC headquarters in Boston this summer!
Sarah Dubow graduated from school in 2013 and is a Digital Strategist at Marina Maher Communications in New York City. After serving as Campus Correspondent at Bucknell University, she is so excited to continue being a part of the Her Campus team! Besides traversing the city and trying to figure out what being a "real person" really means, Sarah loves long walks on the beach, sipping pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain (kidding!). Real favorites include traveling, writing, kickboxing, and making up ridiculous lyrics to the latest songs. She absolutely loves anything that involves cupcakes, butterflies, glitter, and anything Parisian and specializes in baking with far too much chocolate and obsessively watching shows bound to be cancelled after the first season. Though the long term path for this post-grad collegiette remains unclear, she's looking forward to all the new 20-something adventures that await her!