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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Do you ever have questions that you’re not quite sure about the answer to? Ever need advice on something and your friends aren’t quite sure what to say? I’ve always been a person that my friends come to for advice. With that being said, I’ve decided to create an advice and questions column. I’ll answer whatever random question you may have if you fill out the form here. I’ve already answered a few below, so let’s have a look:


“What are some ways to stay in contact with your friends once you’re no longer freshmen?” – D

There are plenty of ways to stay in contact with your friends even if you aren’t in the same dorm or classes anymore. One way is to reach out via text or social media. You can also always FaceTime or ask them to grab a meal. Any little activities that may be going on on campus as well is a great way to stay in touch!


“Waffles or Pancakes?” – E.G.

If I had to choose for this question, I would probably have to tell you my personal choice (pancakes) is superior. But, both waffles and pancakes are great in their own ways so this is really just a timeless question. 


“How can you meet new people on campus?” – Z.P.

There are plenty of ways to meet new people while on campus whether it be through class, activities, or just through other friends. One great thing to do is to check out the CAP center events that go on throughout the week and during each weekend. They have so many activities you can go to that are great opportunities to meet new people. Another fun way to meet others is by attending a sports game. There are still some outdoor sporting events that you can go to before the semester ends, so be sure to check them out!


“What’s a good show or movie to watch?” – S.L.

There are some great new shows that have arrived on Netflix and Disney+. I highly recommend watching WandaVision or the new show The Falcon and the Winter Soldier if you’re a Marvel fan. If not, then grab some popcorn because Legally Blonde just arrived on Netflix, so I know what I’ll be watching this weekend… 


Well, my journey of answering questions must come to an end for this week but just remember: If you have any questions for me, fill out the form

Olivia is a Computer Science major at Bucknell. Aside from her love of the sciences, she has a strong appreciation for the arts, literature, and writing.
Isobel Lloyd

Bucknell '21

New York ~ Bucknell