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1000 Awesome Things About Bucknell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.
Awesome Thing #7 – Orange Package Slips 
Is there anything more glorious than glimpsing a slip of orange in your mailbox? Usually there are only the mass invites and notifications, successfully making us feel unexceptional and ordinary – How considerate of you to kill that tree for me! Oh wait, you actually destroyed an entire forest to make sure we all know So and So is coming to Lewisburg? Not cool. However, every once in a while there will be a slip of orange paper signaling that you have a package to pick up! Package? More like PRESENT. It’s basically like an awesome mini holiday in your mailbox! Who cares if your mom is simply sending you your retainer (which if that’s the case, lucky you. Some other people happened to lose theirs in the eighth grade). It’s still a package that you are off to redeem with your orangey-golden ticket! There is this teeny moment of pure excitement when you realize the immediate gratification that is about to happen. Suddenly it doesn’t matter if your backpack is so heavy one trip may squish you. It all begins to seem like a mere distraction to the package that is waiting for you!
Awesome Thing #8 – Therapy Dogs
A therapy dog day is one of those times when you want to high five whoever is in charge for getting it right. Regardless of whether you were homesick yesterday or three years ago, therapy dogs can always make you feel better. I don’t know if you’ve felt it but everyone can get a tad stressed out around here. It is entirely awesome that you can take a break from the craze to go hang out with a puppy. Animals don’t know that you have a total of 30 pages to write by the end of the week, three exams tomorrow and an internship search going on. They’re just happy to see you! It’s easy to forget how much of a relief an animal’s presence can be in our lives. My dog has never asked me what I plan on doing after graduation, and I really appreciate that. Therapy dog days make me want to send a petition around to have a small petting zoo permanently on campus. I think we could all benefit from their complete lack of caring about how much that last grade will affect our GPA. This one hour of puppy love can make the entire week seem better. Now if only puppies could be sent through the campus mail… best package EVER. 

What’s your favorite thing about Bucknell?
Email Courtney Bottazzi! Courtney.Bottazzi@Bucknell.edu

Cameron is a senior at Bucknell University pursuing degrees in English and Theatre. Born and raised in suburban Philadelphia, she is a member of Delta Gamma sorority and recently spent a semester abroad in London (tea and scones galore!). Her favorite things include (but are not limited to) anything with the word "coffee" in it, her two shih tzus, peppermint gum, reality tv, and spending time with family and friends. She also enjoys experimenting in the kitchen, dancing, staying active, and singing. Her claim to fame? She was a street shoutout on the show "Cash Cab".