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What Your Go-To BU Lunch Spot Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

I typically eat at the same place all the time and I feel like I see the same people there all the time. With that said, I think your go-to BU lunch spot says a lot about you.

1. GSU

Credits:  Dine Green News

You’re probably on the 250 plan. You will end up spending all of your dining points within the first couple of months and then resort to dining hall food in Tupperware containers. You probably live in Mugar and only come out to eat at the GSU and go right back.

2. Warren Dining Hall

Credits: The BU Union Paper

You’re probably a freshman living in Warren, possibly on the unlimited plan (probably got the Freshman 15). You show up in your pajamas because you can.

3. Marciano Dining Hall

Credits: Alive Campus

You probably rave about how much better Marciano is than all the other dining spots on campus and refuse to eat at Warren or West. You definitely live in East Campus. You probably camp out here all day during Finals Season.

4. West Dining Hall

Credits: Boston University

You probably say “West is Best” at least twice a day. You probably show up dressed in work out gear from head to toe. You could afford to eat pizza, burgers, fries, and ice cream all the time because you go to the gym every day.

5. Any BU Starbucks

Credits: Treehugger

You’re definitely on the 250 plan. You’re definitely a Gold Member. You probably replace meals with iced coffee (not judging). You probably wasted your entire dining points balance at the Starbucks GSU. You’ve tried to give up drinking coffee but failed. You deliberately ignore the amount of money you spend on coffee to make yourself feel better.

So, BU students, what does your favorite lunch spot say about you?


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Clarissa is a senior majoring in Journalism at Boston University's College of Communication. Besides writing, Clarissa loves Srabble, astrology, and satire. ?
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.