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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Yesterday we celebrated what we are thankful for, but now since Thanksgiving is over we’re going to tell you all things we are not thankful for. The ladies of Her Campus have compiled a list of the things we are not thankful for (in no particular order)…

  1. Noisy people in the study lounge
  2. The dirty bad smelling stairway in 1019
  3. Kendall Jenner’s success in life compared to mine
  4. The 60:40 girl-to-guy ratio at BU (aka fewer potential boyfriends)
  5. The fact that the CVS on St. Mary’s doesn’t take convenience points
  6. The people judging me for only going to FitRec to get a peanut butter banana smoothie
  7. The general lack of toilet seat covers in public bathrooms in Boston
  8. Jesse Williams’ marital status
  9. The motorcyclists who think it’s cool to “rev” their engines when driving by CAS so we can’t hear our professors talk
  10. Times when the omelet line is more than four people at Warren Dining Hall…We want our omelets pronto!
  11. People being able to see that you are creeping their LinkedIn profile
  12. BU events all happening on Saturday night that start and end at the same time so we have to pick one
  13. 90 minute lectures.
  14. 3 hour lectures.
  15. The person taking the elevator to the 2nd floor
  16. Matt Bomer’s sexuality/general lack of presence in my life
  17. People who refuse to move in on the BU Bus
  18. The person who tries to fit onto an already full BU Bus and repeatedly asks everyone to scoot in when there’s literally no space to move.
  19. The massive pile of hair clogging the shower drain in BU dorms (perks of community bathrooms!)
  20. Having to climb over people and their belongings in lecture hall… and them not even bothering to move one inch
  21. The incompetence of the MBTA B line on a daily basis 
  22. How every time we need the BU bus it has just left
  23. Slow walkers and packs of people who take up the entire sidewalke on Comm. Ave. Get. out. of. the. way.
  24. The giant wind tunnel that is Harry Agganis Way.
  25. The obnoxious people in the apartment next to me blasting Skrillex at 9 AM. Who and why are you.


HCBU Director of Public Relations/Writer
My spirit animal is the honey badger.