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The Reality of Post-Study Abroad Depression

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Unfortunately, all study abroad experiences must come to an end. Whether you were away for a semester or two, eventually reality beckons and snaps you right out of the world of wanderlust. Returning home is one thing, but coming back to BU poses as a whole other level of reverse culture shock. You realize you have forgotten how to function at BU.; Things have changed, even you have changed. For a little while you are likely to feel a little overwhelmed and misplaced. Here are some tips to make your transition back to BU all that much easier.

1. Refrain from comparing your study abroad experience to your life at BU. How are you supposed to get over your study abroad experience coming to an end, if you are hung up on every little detail lacking at BU? Yes BU might not have crepes as fabulous as France, architecture as spectacular as Spain, or nightlife as lively as London; but there is a reason why you chose to come to BU in the first place. Maybe it was the location, the people, or the programs; whatever it is, appreciate it.

2. While you’re at it, maybe don’t mention your study abroad experience in every single conversation you have. Without a doubt you are going to have some study abroad stories to share. Actually, it’s probably going to be all you want to talk about. But please spare all those around you, and give the study abroad stories a break once in a while. Everyone knows you had an amazing, life-changing experience; they don’t need to hear it from you on repeat.

3. Arrange weekly hangouts with your study abroad friends. One of your biggest concerns upon returning to BU was likely how to stay in touch with your new study abroad friends. You only know them as they were abroad and at first it will be strange to be back on campus with them. I suggest arranging a weekly hangout with your study abroad friends, and perhaps once in a while bringing some non-study abroad friends along. One has heard you mention the other so many times already; they will practically feel like friends anyways.

4. Explore Boston and beyond with your adventurous spirit. While abroad, every day was a new adventure. However, just because you’re no longer half way across the world, doesn’t mean you can’t continue exploring. Boston is right at our fingertips here at BU, and there are so many nearby weekend trip locations accessible by train or bus to take advantage of. Don’t be bummed out that you’re back home; new adventures await you!

Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.