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Make Waffles Today for International Waffle Day!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Yes, you heard correctly, today is International Waffle Day! Today should be celebrated by making waffles for breakfast, lunch, or and dinner! And because the International House of Waffles doesn’t exist, I have put together three great ways to spice up a waffle in the dining hall or at home.

1. Chicken and Waffles

Find the chicken station at the dining hall today (there’s bound to be one, even if it’s at the salad bar) and top your waffles with some lean protein! This meal is popular in the South, and if you’ve never tried it before, you’re missing out!

2. Waffle Schmaffle Sandwich

There’s a few ways to make a waffle schmaffle sandwich. Make two waffles (or make one and cut it in half) and grab an apple. Cut the apple into thin slices and top your waffle with cheddar cheese from the salad bar. Create a sandwich with all these ingredients!

Or you can make a CLASSIC peanut butter and jelly sandwich using a waffle as your bread. Trust me, you’ll never want to go back to a regular PB&J.

Finally, if you are a fan of the ham and swiss sandwich, make it on a waffle! You can add apple or pear slices to this too for a sweet, crunchy and delicious sandwich!

3. The Classic Waffle

Nothing beats waffles with maple syrup. But if you aren’t a fan, you can add more toppings to make it even more delicious!

Try adding some yogurt on top for a sweet, and somewhat healthier option.

Or you can go all out and put vanilla ice cream with your favorite toppings! Pretend the waffle is actually a waffle cone, and man, you just made the best sundae ever.


Waffles are an amazing invention, so whoever invented them, thank you. You can literally put WHATEVER you want on them. Don’t let the “classic” or “southern” ways fool you. If you want to put a pizza on top of your waffle, you better put pizza on top of your waffle. They’re very versatile, and therefore, one of the most amazing foods on the planet.

FIT TIP: If you want to still eat healthy but enjoy the celebration of International Waffle Day, make Protein Waffles or whole-wheat waffles at home.

Have a wonderful International Waffle Day!








Jomarie "Jo" Polanco is a sophomore at Boston University studying Nutritional Sciences in Sargent College. She loves everything about health and nutrition and sees herself helping to stop the obesity epidemic in her future. To read more from Jo, you can follow her personal health and nutrition blog at www.breathelivefit.blogspot.com!
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.