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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Dear body,

I’d like to apologize. I haven’t been fair to you.

I’m sorry for pointing out your flaws. For wishing away parts of you. For frowning at you in the mirror. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for trying to control you. For not feeding you. For denying you nourishment and clarity of mind. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for overexerting you. For spending too much time burning calories and not enough time listening. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for not being patient with you. For fighting you. For objectifying you. For putting the appearance of your exterior before the health of your interior. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for taking you for granted. For forgetting all that you have done for me. For forgetting that you are my home. I’m sorry.

You may not be the prettiest thing, but you can climb mountains and swim in oceans. You can hug, kiss, dance, and run. I’m sorry for focusing on everything you are not, rather than embracing everything you are. I’m sorry.

I have made my peace with you. I will never fight you again. I love you. I promise to always love you. To take care of you, to nourish you, to energize you. To feed you chocolate. To smile at your reflection. To accept you, unconditionally. Life is way too short to spend another day at war with you.

Yours forever,



Savanah Macdonald is a rising sophomore at Boston University's College of Communication. She is studying to receive a BS in communication with a concentration in Public Relations. She is the Public Relations Manager for the BU Community Service Center, and the Creative Director of Promotion for PRSSA's annual PR Conference. She is also a photojournalist for the Daily Free Press. She played ice hockey for 14 years, and has recently taken up figure skating. As an aspiring PR professional, Savanah hopes to dive into the fashion/cosmetic industries to help brands engage with and empower women and men. She takes her coffee black and is addicted to all things avocado.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.