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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

School, in general, has never been easy for me. I am the type of person who likes to keep moving, so sitting in classes for hours is hard for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the “college life.” The freedom, the independence, the memories, and the friends make college amazing! But like anything, it can get tough at times.

I am currently transitioning back in the work/school mode after a much-needed break and I am motivated by the fact the winter break (ESPECIALLY CHRISTMAS) is just a few weeks away. During these weeks, I will eat all the cookies and festive foods I can while partaking in holiday festivities that are occurring in Boston throughout the month of December. Trust me, I am excited about all the things I have planned, but I miss home.

During Thanksgiving break, I realized my love for home. In the beginning of break, I was welcome by an In-n-Out burger and 90-degree weather. Coming from Boston, which was in the 30’s and where I had constant stress, I was SO happy to be home. I saw my childhood friends, slept in my own bed, saw my dog, ate good food, and was constantly hugged by my parents. I haven’t felt this happy for a long time. It made me really cherish my time back with my family and being under the California sun.

However, as the week came to an end I was struck by the reality that I was going back to my ACTUAL reality. I hadn’t realized this before, but I had to come to the conclusion that “coming home” was now a vacation. From now on, my life will no longer be based in my childhood home. I am now paving my own path with my own decisions and choices.

To me, and I am sure to many others, this is a very scary realization. Although you can always be dependent on your parents for some things, there is now an expectation for you to be independent in many other things. Yes, I am very scared, but I am also very excited for this challenge.

It is important to take a step back in life sometimes and have a break, both for your physical and mental well-being. For me, I realized that break is going home and spending time with my family. It is important to use these breaks to motivate us to keep going forward in life so we don’t get comfortable in one place. Being away from home has taught me to appreciate my time at home. And being home has prepared me for my future.

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Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.